PT-141 and Trimix?

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This thread was started some time ago and I have seen the 2 being used together more often lately.

I personally would not use them together for what I need because it’s just for fun and I don’t want to end up creating a problem by overdoing anything. But like almost everything else here, it depends on what you have going on. If you have both low desire and ED for example then it could be a lower risk. Trimix often helps with libido indirectly because it entirely removes mental issues blocking sex drive: anxiety, worry, performance concerns, feeling rushed. That alone helps with libido a lot because Trimix always works and you can relax and just have a good time for hours.
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I recently tried PT-141 and Viagra. The effect was interesting in contrast to experience with other sexual stimulants. I take 5mg Cialis daily which restored morning wood for me. I have taken up to 125 mg of Viagra and it has barely an effect (still requires stimulation to maintain). As I mentioned before, PT-141 really wakes up the libido and gives spontaneous erection although not real hard. So, the other day, I took .17 ml PT-141 and a few hours later took 50mg Viagra. The effect was similar to .15ml of Trimix. Things got delayed yet excellent firmness remained. After ejaculation, like Trimix things slowly started to return to normal. The difference was with Trimix, I get kind of an achy member, not just at the injection site, but all around, not bad just noticeable. Sensation is fairly normal, maybe a little less because you're operating without a big natural libido boost. With the PT-141 and Viagra, there was no aches but there was a noticeable reduction in sensation, probably about 50%, ejaculation difficult.
This comparison raises a question. I was suspecting that a major component of my ED and lack of effect of Viagra might be venous leakage. Of course this could be overridden by the action of Trimix, but PT-141 does not have that mechanism of action, so perhaps this could be diagnostic for absence of venous leakage? I don't know. A couple caveats:
Kids, don't try this at home. Seriously though, I am not advocating any one experiment with this combination. The feeling and duration I experienced could lead to priapism in those who react differently to these things. And I am armed with oral pseudoephedrine and injectable phenylephrine just in case (and a only mile away from the hospital!). To conclude, PDE5 inhibitors have a mild effect on me even in higher doses, PT-141 has a profound effect as does Trimix. So,then, should one combine two of these powerful drugs? Don't even think about it, IMHO.
Has anyone tried Pt-141 from a peptide site and from Defy? Did you notice any difference?

I tried PT-141 from a peptide site 3 times. The first two times was 5 and 10 units. It took awhile to work but then had some spontaneous erections. I went to 15 units and became nauseous with vomiting. How long is it good for as I still have some and may try it again at lower does. Thanks.
We tried PT-141 for the first time over the weekend purchased from a peptide site. At .15 mg for each of us, we both had mild flushing and she reported very mild and short-lived nausea that I did not experience. I could feel a stirring in my shorts by about 3-4 hrs without stimulation. I had significantly better quality of erections than from 5mg of Cialis alone that and they definitely presented spontaneously whereas with Cialis alone it requires stimulation. Zero impact on her libido nor ability to perform.

I'm going to wait a week and increase her dosage slightly to .20mg but keep mine at .15mg.
I recently tried PT-141 and Viagra.

I was suspecting that a major component of my ED and lack of effect of Viagra might be venous leakage. Of course this could be overridden by the action of Trimix, but PT-141 does not have that mechanism of action, so perhaps this could be diagnostic for absence of venous leakage? I don't know.

This is a good question that I'm curious about as well. Having tried PT-141 for the first time recently and having good results it would seem - to MY limited understanding - to evidence that venous leakage is not a problem. But like DG, I'd like a more informed/experienced opinion on this theory.
This is a good question that I'm curious about as well. Having tried PT-141 for the first time recently and having good results it would seem - to MY limited understanding - to evidence that venous leakage is not a problem. But like DG, I'd like a more informed/experienced opinion on this theory.

If it works for ED, then yes. But it NOT working would NOT be evidence of venous leakage.
I've tried both TriMix and PT-141, but **never** both at the same time. 10 units of PT-141 gives me raging and spontaneous erections, but they start occurring several hours after the injection and invariably disrupt my sleep - my libido is kicked into overdrive! TriMix works within 5 to 10 minutes of the injection, but does nothing for libido. To me, combining the two sounds like a prescription for disaster - an almost certain trip to the ER for priapism relief.
Does PI-141 require prescription?
Depends on where you get it. For the "real" stuff, yes - requires a prescription. Get a Rx from the likes of Defy. It's pricey stuff even from the compounding pharmacies. Through Defy, a 2 ml vial is like $200.

Don't expect your primary care physician to know anything about this peptide.

There are research chemical sites where you can get PT-141 (and other peptides) w/o a prescription. Some are bunk, others are legit. A little research of you own will be beneficial. Just know that research chems are not intended for human consumption.
Just putting my feelers out there before I experiement myself. Has anyone used both PT-141 and Trimix? Since they work on seperate systems I don't think there will be much of a chance of complications but just curious what you guys think.

I have pretty sever ED, that had started before I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was treated for the cancer with radiation therapy. Over time, it created significantly more ED issues, as its damage to your prostate happens over a period of months to years. Currently I take 15 mg of Tadalafil, use tri mix regularly, and started using PT 141. I am also taking HRT. My total testosterone runs around 900-950, and I feel great, and at this level don’t have big issues with hematocrit. All of this is under a very good sex medicine trained doc who is willing to go slow, but be aggressive in dosing. We started at 5 mg Tadalafil, then moved to 10 mg. I then started tri mix at low doses, 5 units, and moved up. Eventually, I tried Botox, which worked outstanding, the first time, but not for me in second and third efforts. Some people create antibodies that overcome it. I am likely one. So then we tried PT 141. She wanted me to try branded Vyleesi. It really worked great. In the 4 th injection, I got severe nausea, so bad I was afraid to take it again. Two days of severe nausea and vomiting. But the benefit was good, so eventually we decided to go to Empowers vial at half equivalent doses of branded Vyleesi and I take zofran about an hour ahead of PT 141 dose. So far, nothing more than a twinge of nausea. I do still get some flushing, but especially headache and body aches relieved easily with ibuprofen. However, staying with injection roughly every 4 days, not to exceed 8 per month, it seems to be losing its punch. And because for me the ED benefit, seems to take longer to kick in, timing of when to use tri mix, is proving tough to figure out. Early on, the benefit lasted 4 days. My strong suggestion is, don’t take PT 141 on a regular schedule, and NOT MORE THAN 1 per week. What I have figured out, because the benefit persists for days, the best time to add tri mix was 24 hours to three days after PT 141. You Will get nocturnal and spontaneous erections from PT 141 in the first day. It DOES drive libido. It DOES increase sensitivity. Bottom line, go slow and only as far as you need.
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