Permanent changes in sexual health


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Hello everyone. I'm 40 years old I've been on trt for a little over 4 years. Unfortunately I've never been able to consistently dial in my TRT protocol. I've suffered high and low estrogen symptoms this whole time but especially this last year year and a half mostly low estrogen. When this happens I get very bad anxiety and blood pressure spikes all the way up in the 200s. If my estrogen becomes high BP can go through the roof but typically it only last hours as I treat it with Anastrozole. However because there's no consistent Anastrozole dose that works for me I often blow past my sweet spot and end up with low estrogen that can last several days. Both ways my blood pressure can be over 150/90+. I've tried everything. Subq, micro dosing testosterone, micro dosing Anastrozole as low as .0625 or 1/16th a mg. I've kept a journal tracking what I'm taking how often and how I feel. I've tried different doses. The only thing i haven't tried and am currently trying is ultra low doses. I am a hyper responder. Off 120mg my trough is 1344ng/dl. Anyhow i was always worried I was doing some kind of permanent damage and I'm devastated I may have reached that point. I've lost errection strength, sensitivity, orgasm intensity and even desire. I don't know what's worse that I may never have a decent sex life or that I possibly shortened my life span maybe even significantly. I've done a lot of reading and the data points to a very high percentage of sexual dysfunction is vascular related especially in the presence of high blood pressure. I wish this was some kind of anxiety and or depression but frankly I'm only depressed because of this situation and im only anxious when estrogen is out of balance. I really don't know what to do here. I'd like to quit but I just had cervical spine surgery ACDF and no testosterone would or could dramatically hinder my recovery. I'm hoping anyone here could give me any advice, feedback or a solution. I'm also curious if anyone has suffered the same consequences as myself and hope to prevent this happening to anyone else. I am a very knowledgeable guy. I have spent months researching how to reduce estrogen or how to dial in TRT with no avail. I will say I can at times still get it up but everything is about 70% as it was just 3 months ago. The ironic thing is when my hormones are in the sweet spot my BP is 110/70. I just can't believe this is happening. How often I have these bp spikes and high and low estrogen varies to once a week or less to a whole week of low estrogen. Hopefully I can get some help or advice. Please help me guys I'm so very disappointed in myself and especially frustrated with the lack of management from Defy Medical. All they ever did was asked what can I get cha. Never did they say hey your testosterone is off the charts, how's your blood pressure, how do you feel? Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to help or share in any way. I hope no one has to go through this. I literally feel like I'm living in a nightmare.

On a positive note. I have had an echo that came back mostly normal except mild LVH. I was doing avid cardio before my surgery and had a resting heart rate of 50 bpm. I also had multiple test done by a company called life line. They used ultrasound to check for peripheral artery disease, carotid artery disease, arterial fibrillation and abdominal aortic aneurysm and all came back completely normal. In addition I still get nocturnal errections. Which I suppose I a good sign. If sexual function was absolutely horrible I would imagine it wouldn't be happening. I just want to stress this isn't psychological nor is it medication related. I've been on TRT for awhile and while sexual health can suffer if estrogen is high or low there's always been periods where my sexual function was ridiculously good. This has not occurred in about 8 weeks give or take a week. Now it also seemed to happen pretty quickly. It wasn't a slow decline. Just 8 or so weeks ago I had my original raging sexual function. Well hopefully someone has some good info. I'm also curious if maybe you guys think there's a different type of testosterone delivery method which will not cause as many fluctuations like a gel or patch. Please advise.
Hey brotha, first off, no need to stress too much about ur situation, as far as long term damage goes. U haven’t permanently done any damage to anything. Sexual function will improve once u figure out how to optimize it. U’ll get there as long as u don’t give up, and u continue trialing and erroring things until u figure out what works.

and u haven’t taken any years off ur life with TRT so far. The LVH is from ur somewhat consistently high blood pressures. But it can be reversed once u figure out how to get ur BP consistently within a healthy range

Protocol wise, I would personally recommend that u look into a nandrolone based protocol, with very low dose testosterone. Something like 100mg of nandrolone, and 25mg of test, to start. I’m back on a nandrolone based protocol myself, and here’s a great thread of another guy that’s been on a nandrolone based protocol, and it’s pretty much resolved all the issues he was having, including some that ur experiencing. Me and this other guy are both with defy as well. We both do our consults with the PA Mike Linkus. He’s on a nandrolone based protocol himself. Has been for 3-4 years now. He prefers it over a test based protocol, because now he doesn’t have to use an ai to manage E2, like he was when on the test based protocol. A nandrolone based protocol is pretty perfect for guys struggling to dial in estrogen. It allows u to use nandrolone as ur base, in order to replace the androgens needed to feel and function well, and then u use the lowest amount of test possible to get some of the metabolites from test in ur system. Like E2 and DHT. But the best part is that u start off the test super low, get those metabolites minimally in ur system, and titrate the test dose up, as needed, until u reach ur sweetspot, while keeping ur nandrolone dose the same. Something like increasing ur test dose by 5-10mg every 6 weeks.

and as far as ur high blood pressure goes, that’s very easy to get down into a normal range consistently. Best things I’ve found to manage BP is drinking mineral water everyday with some added Celtic sea salt and liquid magnesium chloride in it. Magnesium can absolutely be a miracle for some people in regards to blood pressure. Then I would just make sure ur eating a diet that’s as close to carnivore as possible. The closer u get to eating full carnivore, the better ur blood pressure is going to be. Then I would just make sure to try and optimize sleep the best u can, and minimize stress the best u can, and make sure ur exercising regularly. Preferably with weights. U do all those things and ur BP will be in a perfect range in no time. And eating as close to carnivore as possible is also the best thing u can do for ur cardiovascular system, which will help with erections

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Hello everyone. I'm 40 years old I've been on trt for a little over 4 years. Unfortunately I've never been able to consistently dial in my TRT protocol. I've suffered high and low estrogen symptoms this whole time but especially this last year year and a half mostly low estrogen. When this happens I get very bad anxiety and blood pressure spikes all the way up in the 200s. If my estrogen becomes high BP can go through the roof but typically it only last hours as I treat it with Anastrozole. However because there's no consistent Anastrozole dose that works for me I often blow past my sweet spot and end up with low estrogen that can last several days. Both ways my blood pressure can be over 150/90+. I've tried everything. Subq, micro dosing testosterone, micro dosing Anastrozole as low as .0625 or 1/16th a mg. I've kept a journal tracking what I'm taking how often and how I feel. I've tried different doses. The only thing i haven't tried and am currently trying is ultra low doses. I am a hyper responder. Off 120mg my trough is 1344ng/dl. Anyhow i was always worried I was doing some kind of permanent damage and I'm devastated I may have reached that point. I've lost errection strength, sensitivity, orgasm intensity and even desire. I don't know what's worse that I may never have a decent sex life or that I possibly shortened my life span maybe even significantly. I've done a lot of reading and the data points to a very high percentage of sexual dysfunction is vascular related especially in the presence of high blood pressure. I wish this was some kind of anxiety and or depression but frankly I'm only depressed because of this situation and im only anxious when estrogen is out of balance. I really don't know what to do here. I'd like to quit but I just had cervical spine surgery ACDF and no testosterone would or could dramatically hinder my recovery. I'm hoping anyone here could give me any advice, feedback or a solution. I'm also curious if anyone has suffered the same consequences as myself and hope to prevent this happening to anyone else. I am a very knowledgeable guy. I have spent months researching how to reduce estrogen or how to dial in TRT with no avail. I will say I can at times still get it up but everything is about 70% as it was just 3 months ago. The ironic thing is when my hormones are in the sweet spot my BP is 110/70. I just can't believe this is happening. How often I have these bp spikes and high and low estrogen varies to once a week or less to a whole week of low estrogen. Hopefully I can get some help or advice. Please help me guys I'm so very disappointed in myself and especially frustrated with the lack of management from Defy Medical. All they ever did was asked what can I get cha. Never did they say hey your testosterone is off the charts, how's your blood pressure, how do you feel? Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to help or share in any way. I hope no one has to go through this. I literally feel like I'm living in a nightmare.

On a positive note. I have had an echo that came back mostly normal except mild LVH. I was doing avid cardio before my surgery and had a resting heart rate of 50 bpm. I also had multiple test done by a company called life line. They used ultrasound to check for peripheral artery disease, carotid artery disease, arterial fibrillation and abdominal aortic aneurysm and all came back completely normal. In addition I still get nocturnal errections. Which I suppose I a good sign. If sexual function was absolutely horrible I would imagine it wouldn't be happening. I just want to stress this isn't psychological nor is it medication related. I've been on TRT for awhile and while sexual health can suffer if estrogen is high or low there's always been periods where my sexual function was ridiculously good. This has not occurred in about 8 weeks give or take a week. Now it also seemed to happen pretty quickly. It wasn't a slow decline. Just 8 or so weeks ago I had my original raging sexual function. Well hopefully someone has some good info. I'm also curious if maybe you guys think there's a different type of testosterone delivery method which will not cause as many fluctuations like a gel or patch. Please advise.
So what level is your sweet spot?
So what level is your sweet spot?
I've yet to find my sweet spot. I wish I knew Vince. I'm now trying ultra low doses currently. I'm going to try 50mg a week. 25mg every 3.5 days. It's extremely wired because when I'm lifting weights I can take 120mg and .0625 of Anastrozole twice a week and I'm good. The issue comes when I can't work out. Now believe it or not but when I can't workout my need for Anastrozole sky rockets and is highly unpredictable. Like I was saying just had major spine surgery so I'm unable to workout. Another odd thing is these high estrogen symptoms always hit me at night. I know they're high estrogen symptoms because I've been on TRT almost 5 years and obviously you notice certain characteristics associated with high or low estrogen. That and I feel amazing when I get these symptoms and take the right amount of Anastrozole. Lately though when I feel great I still have sexual dysfunction symptoms. You know I'm a smart guy. I track everything I try different methods. I know changes with testosterone can take 4-5 weeks due to the 8 day half life. I'm familiar with Anastrozoles half life. I know after taking Anastrozole in two hours you'll feel the effects. Idk man pretty depressed here. I've had high low and everything in between but never had consistent sexual dysfunction ever.
Yeah. There is no detail here regarding protocols, labs, and the relationship between protocols/labs and symptoms. That would be useful to see.
I hear ya. I've had plenty of labs. It's just things have changed. When I first got on I was on 200mg and took .125 of Anastrozole 3 x a week and felt pretty good. Then I had to stop working out and my need of Anastrozole shot way up. I know you're probably thinking how do you know your need for Anastrozole shot up. Well it extremely simple I felt absolutely horrible and dosed Anastrozole and felt great. Labs don't override how I feel whatsoever. Lately because I haven't been working out I tried reducing my dose from 120mg to 100mg then now 80mg. But this is still giving my high estrogen symptoms. So I'm going ultra low at 50mg a week. My last labs were on 120mg my trough was 1344ng/dl. Estrogen was fine 30pg/ml felt pretty good but I was working out. Working out modulates or lowers my estrogen dramatically. Because I had my surgery 8 weeks ago I am not allowed to lift more than 10 pounds so estrogen is starting to rise. I 100% do not need labs to know if estrogen is high. I've been on TRT for over 4 years. I'm familiar with associated symptoms of high or low estrogen. I'm sure you know or can tell when estrogen is high or low. It's pretty obvious. Idk my friend it's frustrating. I will say I'm way more sensitive to estrogen than when I first started TRT.
Instead of looking for bro-science answers, in your case I would find a really good endocrinologist who would do a complete work up on you and use a science based approach towards getting your body back into an optimum balance. Otherwise you’re just shooting in the dark, trying this and trying that hoping to find the magic bullet.

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