New Member
Question 1:
I'm on 200mg Test cypionate/week pin 2X/eek)
Was taking .5 arimidex 2X/week - now backed it off to .25 2X/week
HCG 500U 2X/week
I'm 6'4"230, I'd guess around 15%-20% bodyfat, eating 2500 calories a day on a 40/40/20 (protein carb fat) split.
Lift HARD 5 days a week, cardio 30 min 4X/week, can't lose a lb and don't look any different after 5 weeks.
Also, my appetite sucks.
Anybody have any guesses WTF is going on??
Question 2
I read on this site that your body can become dependent on HCG if taken over a long enough period of time. At this dosage am I at risk for becoming dependent on HCG to produce my own testosterone??
I'm on 200mg Test cypionate/week pin 2X/eek)
Was taking .5 arimidex 2X/week - now backed it off to .25 2X/week
HCG 500U 2X/week
I'm 6'4"230, I'd guess around 15%-20% bodyfat, eating 2500 calories a day on a 40/40/20 (protein carb fat) split.
Lift HARD 5 days a week, cardio 30 min 4X/week, can't lose a lb and don't look any different after 5 weeks.
Also, my appetite sucks.
Anybody have any guesses WTF is going on??
Question 2
I read on this site that your body can become dependent on HCG if taken over a long enough period of time. At this dosage am I at risk for becoming dependent on HCG to produce my own testosterone??