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Coastwatcher, thanks for reply. I didn't (regretfully) have complete labs ran beforehand. Doc ordered them and told me the test level, but nothing else. I need to get the full lab results to see what he ran.

If not E2, what else would cause the major libido issue?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Stats: 47 y/o male. 5'9 165. Test was in low 300's, along with other symptoms (lack energy, ect) so doc recommended hrt. Started on daily compound in June. After 6 weeks, test level was low 400's. Switched to Cypionate .7 every 3.5 days. Am due to have levels checked next week.

Since starting, felt initial increase in libido, but then CRASH. No sex drive for past month. Desensitization of my parts. Otherwise, I feel good. I've gained about 8 pounds since starting after holding same essential weight for 10 years.

1) does the lack of libido his sound like an E2 issue, and if so, is that an easy fix.
2) assuming the weight is water retention, what to do?
3) which lab test is best (from discounted labs) for the first real panel after starting trt?

Many thanks in advance.

It might be estradiol that's contributing to your libido challenges, but it might not be. Even if it is, I urge you not to be too quick to add an AI to your protocol; it may be possible to deal with elevated e2 through protocol manipulation. What was your sensitive, LC, MS/MS, estradiol level when therapy began? What about your other pre-TRT labs? Thyroid and DHT? In fact, if you have them, please post your numbers (with ranges) and a good discussion will ensue.

As for tests at first follow-up, there is a panel at Discounted Labs, but if price is something for you to keep an eye on, the essentials are total and free testosterone, estradiol/sensitive, CBC, and CMP, and SHBG.
Coastwatcher, I didn't get a full panel before I started. Realize now that I should have. If not E2, what would cause the major loss of libido?
Coastwatcher, I didn't get a full panel before I started. Realize now that I should have. If not E2, what would cause the major loss of libido?
Why did you delete your initial post? Those details are important for other members to consult when they join the conversation.

Libido is one of the trickier pierces for many men to achieve success with when following a TRT protocol. Yes, it could be too high/too low estradiol, the symptoms for both situations are very similar. Please ask your doctor for copies of your pre-TRT lab results as it will be important to see how these levels have changed over the past weeks. Your prolactin level can be a factor, your DHT level, a problem with the thyroid, I hope you had more than the TSH run.

You may be dealing with the end of the TRT-honeymoon phase. Endogenous levels have shut down and your body is adjusting to the serum changes that are ongoing. Don't minimize the psychological aspect - libido is a product of both the physical and the psychological/emotional aspect of our lives.

You are very early in this process.
Coastwatcher, I didn't get a full panel before I started. Realize now that I should have. If not E2, what would cause the major loss of libido?

100 different things but this discussion are you're trying to have it, with no labs, no numbers, and so forth isn't going to generate any kidn of substantive discussion. In fact the word "libido" could translate to more than a few different things. "libido" is multi-faceted. Around here we deal with labs and numbers, simple discussion doesn't result in much of anything that is actionable.
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