New member and fairly new to TRT in Texas. On and off, inconsistent use of TRT due to potential health risks concerns, lack of indepth TRT knowledge and not sure if therapeutic levels are being achieved through proper dosing amounts which have lead to some penis and testicles shrinkage experienced during some days of TRT treatment. Taking 1 ML (200 mg/ML). Doctor prescriptions and recommended dosages: 1 ML Testosterone Cypionate at start followed by .5 ML every 3-4 days. Also taking 1 ML Anastrozole daily but no HCG supplementation which understand can keep testicals from shrinking. Overall, feel stronger, feeling better, better mood, more positive, more confidence, less irritability and looking more muscular enhancement with minimal weekly workout. However, skeptical TRT will be tweaked adequately by doctor to ensure best sexual performance results. Will get blood work in a few days prior to doctor follow up appointment in one week. Any feedback provided will certainly dismiss any my misconceptions in order to give me renewed hope that TRT is the best remedy for my aging 56 year old body. Thanks Nelson for hosting this website.