Hey everyone. I really appreciate this site and all of the great info! I’m a 41 year old male that started experience mental fogginess, increasing pain and decreasing recovery after working out, and increasing fatigue since last summer. I train BJJ 3-4 times/week and I in good shape. I’m 5’8 and 180lbs with not too much body fat. I have GERD for which I take a PPI and H2 blocker for and I also take some supplements. Some of my team mates started TRT with good results so I went to the same doc to give it a try. My intial total testosterone was 495 before therapy (I can’t remeber Free T off the top of my head). My TSH was WNL. He started me on test cyp 100mg IM weekly 5 weeks ago and we are gonna recheck my labs in the beginning of April right before my weekly injection. I have a follow up with him mid-April. I have been feeling great. I’ve had much more energy and my recovery is great now. Also the mental fogginess is much better and I’m just in a better mood over all. So my problem is I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks that it is much more difficult to achieve orgasm and getting worse by the week. My erections are great and I get turned on but I just don’t feel that need to release like before. I know that higher E2 levels could contribute to this. I also have read that HCG can help reverse this as well. I would like to try the HCG protocol that has been posted here but I’m not sure if my doc will be willing to prescribe it or not and I don’t feel like waiting another month just to find out that he won’t. So my thought was to order HCG on ReliableRX and give it a try. My understanding is that you can order from the without a Rx is that correct? My only other option is if doesn’t prescribe it assuming this is not coming from elevated E2 is to go with a doc that will but then I would be forking over a bunch more $ for the initial consult but I can’t see myself continuing if my sex life is gonna be this negatively affected. I would appreciate any thoughts, advice, and suggestions. I wish I would have been more knowledgeable and gotten all of the appropriate labs pre TRT but this is where I’m at. Also the follow up labs he wrote for were CBC, PSA, E2, Total/Free Test.