Hello all,
I have started 7-8 weeks ago with T Injections.
I started with 38 mg E3.5D (enanthate). This was too low and I didn't felt so good. There was also some more water around my body. So after 3 weeks I went up to 55 mg E3.5D then the water problem went away, I wasn't crying anymore about little things because of feelings and things got better. My nipples were also not itching anymore (in the beginning they did a bit).
When I started with 55 mg I also introduced 200 iu HCG (which I injected at the same time like the T. Injection). It is funny, I increased Testosterone and I guess the T rose way more than the E2. Anyway (better ratio).
1 Week ago I did a test at my doc. Here is the results: (I tried to make an E2 LS/MC test, but they have chosen the wrong lab-company..:-( )
E2 normal test 151 pmol/l (Range 40-162)
Albumin 44 g/l (Range 35-52)
TSH 1.5 mU/l (0.3-4.3)
T4, free 11.2 pmol/l (9-19)
T3, free 4 pmol/l (2.6-5.7)
Progesterone 0.5 nmol/l (<0.6)
Testosterone, total 47 nmol/l (new Range 8.3-30.19 => Usually Range would be till 8.3-38 which is around 300-1100)
DHEAs 8.5 umol/l (4.6-16.1)
SHBG 25.9 nmol/l (8.4-49)
DHT => not available yet
PSA 0.64 ug/l (<3.0)
Today I spoke to the doc. Here is the new adjustment.
HCG 200 twice a week (stays the same)
T. Injection twice a week - reduction 20% - 45 mg per Injection (90 mg per week)
In two weeks we will make the test again, but just with T, Free T, and E2 LC/MS (this time).
I guess SHBG should be done too?
I'm now scared the the T/E ratio is getting bad when I reduce to 45 mg. I asked him about arimidex and he told me that he isn't doing that. Hope somebody can help me here out.
Right now I am not very hungry, don't have a lot of water retention, feel pretty good most time and I'm improving.
Thanks a lot.
I have started 7-8 weeks ago with T Injections.
I started with 38 mg E3.5D (enanthate). This was too low and I didn't felt so good. There was also some more water around my body. So after 3 weeks I went up to 55 mg E3.5D then the water problem went away, I wasn't crying anymore about little things because of feelings and things got better. My nipples were also not itching anymore (in the beginning they did a bit).
When I started with 55 mg I also introduced 200 iu HCG (which I injected at the same time like the T. Injection). It is funny, I increased Testosterone and I guess the T rose way more than the E2. Anyway (better ratio).
1 Week ago I did a test at my doc. Here is the results: (I tried to make an E2 LS/MC test, but they have chosen the wrong lab-company..:-( )
E2 normal test 151 pmol/l (Range 40-162)
Albumin 44 g/l (Range 35-52)
TSH 1.5 mU/l (0.3-4.3)
T4, free 11.2 pmol/l (9-19)
T3, free 4 pmol/l (2.6-5.7)
Progesterone 0.5 nmol/l (<0.6)
Testosterone, total 47 nmol/l (new Range 8.3-30.19 => Usually Range would be till 8.3-38 which is around 300-1100)
DHEAs 8.5 umol/l (4.6-16.1)
SHBG 25.9 nmol/l (8.4-49)
DHT => not available yet
PSA 0.64 ug/l (<3.0)
Today I spoke to the doc. Here is the new adjustment.
HCG 200 twice a week (stays the same)
T. Injection twice a week - reduction 20% - 45 mg per Injection (90 mg per week)
In two weeks we will make the test again, but just with T, Free T, and E2 LC/MS (this time).
I guess SHBG should be done too?
I'm now scared the the T/E ratio is getting bad when I reduce to 45 mg. I asked him about arimidex and he told me that he isn't doing that. Hope somebody can help me here out.
Right now I am not very hungry, don't have a lot of water retention, feel pretty good most time and I'm improving.
Thanks a lot.