I'll chime in on the thyroid ... Chris, what you have provided is extremely limited. The only lab that has any value is the Free T4, and that result has me wondering where the rest of it is at? Both Free T4 and Free T3 should be in the 50% - 80% range of their respective lab values, yours is at 25% on your Free T4, which is essentially the storage hormone. The T3 uptake test is worthless at best. It has nothing to do with your actual T3, and measures carrier proteins to estimate unbound T4 in relation to your Total T4. Take your Total T4 value and multiply it against the T3 uptake (TT4xT3U = FT4 ... or real close to it). Try it and you will see what I mean. It's kind of redundant when you look at it closely.
Physicians still use this concept, simply because it's on the same old check list that's been on their requisition list forever. I have all the respect for EVERY doctor out there that had the gumption, intelligence & discipline to complete medical school. However, I sincerely ask any physician or thyroid specialist out there, how on earth can anyone realistically make any assessment or diagnosis based on those labs? We can tell your T4 storage hormone is low, but that could lead to a litany of other variables. Your T3 could actually be high, or to the right of T4, but pooling and not getting to the cells. Or it could be low just like the FT4, and maybe it's just basic hypothyroidism. Could be some autoimmune disorder?? There's a lot of possibilities, it's all speculation though ...
You need to get TSH, FT3, Reverse T3, TPO & TgAb antibodies to complete the thyroid panel. You should also look at all the iron/ferritin, cortisol, magnesium & D3 labs to ensure that T3 has the tools to be active at the cellular level. Again, no disrespect to the physicians out there that still use this method of testing, but I make the plea that those that still do should keep an open mind to exploring the updated methods that are used by A4M and other physicians that focus in this area. In the case of the OP, let's just say he has Hashis, how would anyone ever know it by these labs?