Hey guys, looking forward to getting back on test after an 9 month layoff. I learned a lot from this site and hope to have better results this time.
Blood last week:
Total Test: 214 ng/dl (348 - 1197)
Free Test: 7 pg/ml (6.8 - 21.5)
E2: 7 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6)
LH: 1.7 miu/ml (1.7 - 8.6)
FSH: 1.8 miu/ml (1.5 - 12.4)
Vitamin D: 21.5 (30.0 - 100.0)
WBC: 5.9 x10E3/ul (3.4 - 10.8)
RBC: 4.93 x10E6/ul (4.14 - 5.80)
Hemoglobin 14.9 g/l (12.6 - 17.7)
MCV: 88 fl (79 - 97)
MCH: 30.2 pg (26.6 - 33)
MCHC: 34.3 g/dl (31.5 - 35.7)
RDW: 12.5 % (12.3. 15.5)
Platelets: 199 x10E3/ul (150 - 379)
Prolactin 6.3 ng/dl (4.0 - 15.5)
T4, free 1.29 ng/dl (0.82 - 1.77)
SHBG: 20.7 nmol/l (16.5 - 55.9)
I had an MRI of my brain and the radiologist said all was well.
Previous protocol was 165 mg, once weekly, with no Arimidex and no HCG. That protocol drove my Total test up to: 786 ng/dl (348 -1197), Free test: 23.5 pg/ml ( 6.8 - 21.5), and E2 checked in at 39 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6).
I looked freaking amazing, but felt like crap. Terrible anxiety and depression, and paid a price with work and friends. Anything stand out to you guys from thsee labs? I see huge benefits to TRT, just want to get closer to getting it right this time.
Thanks guys!
Blood last week:
Total Test: 214 ng/dl (348 - 1197)
Free Test: 7 pg/ml (6.8 - 21.5)
E2: 7 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6)
LH: 1.7 miu/ml (1.7 - 8.6)
FSH: 1.8 miu/ml (1.5 - 12.4)
Vitamin D: 21.5 (30.0 - 100.0)
WBC: 5.9 x10E3/ul (3.4 - 10.8)
RBC: 4.93 x10E6/ul (4.14 - 5.80)
Hemoglobin 14.9 g/l (12.6 - 17.7)
MCV: 88 fl (79 - 97)
MCH: 30.2 pg (26.6 - 33)
MCHC: 34.3 g/dl (31.5 - 35.7)
RDW: 12.5 % (12.3. 15.5)
Platelets: 199 x10E3/ul (150 - 379)
Prolactin 6.3 ng/dl (4.0 - 15.5)
T4, free 1.29 ng/dl (0.82 - 1.77)
SHBG: 20.7 nmol/l (16.5 - 55.9)
I had an MRI of my brain and the radiologist said all was well.
Previous protocol was 165 mg, once weekly, with no Arimidex and no HCG. That protocol drove my Total test up to: 786 ng/dl (348 -1197), Free test: 23.5 pg/ml ( 6.8 - 21.5), and E2 checked in at 39 pg/ml (7.6 - 42.6).
I looked freaking amazing, but felt like crap. Terrible anxiety and depression, and paid a price with work and friends. Anything stand out to you guys from thsee labs? I see huge benefits to TRT, just want to get closer to getting it right this time.
Thanks guys!