LHRH test

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Hello guys,

Nelson Vergeltold me to post my test resultshere on excelmale.
So in the following picture you can see my results. He said ''Interesting that your FSH and T did not go up as much as your LH.''.
any thoughts to this ?

Thanks :)


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to Excelmale. We're going to need some additional information to enter into conversation. Are you on a testosterone replacement protocol? If so, how long and what are the details of that protocol? These test results reflect, well,what do they reflect? A stimulation test? When were they drawn? How old are you and what were you experiencing that caused you to seek medical attention?

The more information you can provide, the more focused the discussion will be.
ok so:
no I am currently not on a protocol, since no doctor wants to prescribe anything to me.Thus I never was on a protocol.
It was a stimulation test. First they did a normal blood test. Afterwards they gave me LH. After 30 minutes they did another blood test and another 30 minutes later again. (Thats everything that stands unterneath''LHRH-Test, Testosteron-Pool'')
They were drawn December 2nd last year.
I am 20 years old.
I felt very very energy depleted, have no libido whatsoever (which my gf is worried about too), gained fat even though I am on a strict diet plan...
And no I've never to this point taken any kind of steroid, prohormon or anything like that.

anything else you need?
Your Testosterone, LH and FSH are on the low end for a 20 year old man. Your T did not increase as much as expected with the LH stim test. It would be good to diagnose why you have this issue before putting you on TRT. Genetics?

How would you consider your sexual maturation (facial hair, penile size, voice, etc)? I think you mentioned you had a MRI that found nothing, right? Have you had a sperm quantity/quality test?

Here are some graphs for LH and FSH as men age.

LH vs age.jpg

FSH vs age.jpg

Source: http://www.dpcweb.com/documents/news&views/spring_02/the_aging_male.html
Facial hair is relatively thin for my age. even though my dad has a full grown beard, my facial hair is barely there for my taste...
Penile size wise I'd not consider myself undersized. But my penile size did not increase as much during my puberty.
I'd say my voice is maybe slightly higher than some of my friends, but nothing too crazy.
No I did not have spermtesting yet.I want to go to the urologist on the 16th or at least in that week.

Nope MRI did notfind anything...
What reasons did your doctors give you for refusing to initiate a TRT protocol? How did they interpret your lab work when you spoke to them?
The doctor I spoke to just did not have a clue about hormones I think. He did not even look at the values. He just read that my endo said I should take another test in 3-4 months and told me not to do anything. As far as my experience with doctors is by now, I am really thinking of self medication. In germany they are so unbelievable reluctant when it comes to hormones. I'll try to get an appointment with an urologist who also is andrologist. If he refuses to help me I'm going to help myself. I am really tired of all this BS.
I think the problem is, that my physique is quite muscular, since I've already been training for 7 oder8 years now. They just cannot believe my T is low in my opinion....
frustration over 9000...
Since my first T test it has been half a year.That test came out to 221ng/dl. The second test was even lower at 83ng/dl. Onlyfriggin 2 digit T level and nobody wants to help....
The doctor I spoke to just did not have a clue about hormones I think. He did not even look at the values. He just read that my endo said I should take another test in 3-4 months and told me not to do anything. As far as my experience with doctors is by now, I am really thinking of self medication. In germany they are so unbelievable reluctant when it comes to hormones. I'll try to get an appointment with an urologist who also is andrologist. If he refuses to help me I'm going to help myself. I am really tired of all this BS.
I think the problem is, that my physique is quite muscular, since I've already been training for 7 oder8 years now. They just cannot believe my T is low in my opinion....
frustration over 9000...
Since my first T test it has been half a year.That test came out to 221ng/dl. The second test was even lower at 83ng/dl. Onlyfriggin 2 digit T level and nobody wants to help....

While there are many men struggling to find proper care in North America, the situation for men in Europe is far more dire. I'm so sorry you are dealing with ignorance at that level. Would you consider a telephone consultation, there would be a fee associated with it, of course, with Defy Medical in the US? The goal, obviously, would be to sort out your situation and suggest a treatment plan that you could present to one of your German doctors. Dr. Justin Saya is one of the leading androgen specialists in the US, a moderator here at Exclemale, and a fine fellow. You can contact them at www.defymedical.com.

It it might be a way to cut through the jungle of ill-treatment you're receiving.
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To echo Coastwatcher's remarks...many men struggle to find quality hormonal treatment here in the US, but my heart really goes out to our brothers overseas. I've discussed some cases that seemed more like fiction than reality.
Dr Justin Saya, MD what would you suggest in my case? Any thoughts? I mean I am willing to take the risks of self medication if nobody wants to help.
What could the treatment plan look alike? Just some Test E ?
Do you see any complications with the stated blood test + exogenous T? I could post the 2 previous ones to if it would help....
Dr Justin Saya, MD what would you suggest in my case? Any thoughts? I mean I am willing to take the risks of self medication if nobody wants to help.
What could the treatment plan look alike? Just some Test E ?
Do you see any complications with the stated blood test + exogenous T? I could post the 2 previous ones to if it would help....

Please understand that I am NOT speaking for Dr. Saya, but it might be valuable to know what the laws surrounding the purchase and possession of testosterone are in your country. In the United States and Canada it is a controlled substance and there are stiff penalties for unauthorized possession. In other jurisdictions it is sold openly and legally without a prescription.
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Since no contraindication fits me (besides PSA, didn't test for that), a person with my problems hypothetically could use a max of 250mg T/wk. right?
Since no contraindication fits me (besides PSA, didn't test for that), a person with my problems hypothetically could use a max of 250mg T/wk. right?

Hypothetically, that is true. In reality, nobody on a TRT protocol here at EM has ever been successful with that high a weekly dose of testosterone. The guiding rule is, "start low and go slow." Too much testosterone can spike estradiol, leading to misery, can boost hematocrit, spur acne, cause sleeplessness. A typical starting dose would be 50mg every 3.5 days. Adjustments can be made from there after six weeks. Depending on SHBG one may need to bump that dose up, or change the dosing schedule to an every other day pattern (I inject 16mg on a daily basis and my lab values are at the top of the range).

Just some of things, important things, to think about in regard to the design of a protocol. Patience and deliberation are key.
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