New Member
I am a 58 y/o that has been on HRT therapy for the last 6 years. I have been dosing at 1cc Cypionate for that time with no issues. Recently was shuffled to another Urologist in the group that I go to and the Dr. lowered my dose to 1/2cc per week. He said that they have never had a patient on 1cc a week and that I could damage my heart, liver, etc., if I took that much weekly. I then informed him that the Dr. that I used to see in their group was the one who had no problem with the dose. So yesterday I had labs drawn for an appointment next week and the Dr's. office called me to tell me that my Testosterone was >1500ng and the Dr. suspects that I am taking more than prescribed. But I am not!!! I have never been this high? Usually run around 350 - 500 with 1cc per week, but no clue why it's so high with 1/2cc. And I don't really feel much from this dose. On 1cc I felt great in the gym, and never had issues. Is the >1500 a fluke, or should I go to an actual HRT Dr. and stop seeing the Urologist?