@BigTex @NuSciencePeptides looking for your SME.
It’s my understanding that the way to tell if your GH peptides are working is to check your IGF levels some time period post injection.
Assuming one takes a saturation dosage of Ipamorelin 1mcg per kg bw. How long would you expect the IGF increase to last from the corresponding GH pulse that the Ipamorelin prompted?
If it was taken at night before sleep, would you expect IGF to be elevated in a blood test 10 hours later let’s say?
Also, in general do we have any idea how much of a GH pulse in equivalent IUs that a saturation dose of Ipamorelin would prompt?
There are some very reliable blood testing results posted on ProMuscle. This one guy was doing blood work at Lab Corp 1 hour after injecting and 2 weeks into using saturation doses of mod GRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin, 3x/d. The IGF levels went from a baseline of 227 to 406 which is a 179 point increase in IGF-1. Previously he had done the same procedure on 4iu of pharma hGH and hit 380ng/ml. So according to this guy's blood work 3x/d peptide use at saturation level doses + to 4.2iu of hGH. No doubt results are very individual but you can see this combination works as good or better than using 4iu of hGH. It generally takes 3-4 weeks before IGF-1 returns to baseline after you stop using the peptides.
higher level of GH ARE observed between 15 and 30 min after subcutaneous administration.
Here is another blood test by a doctor over at PM
1) Yesteday fasting since 11pm the night before
2) Inject 500mcg of Mod GRF1-29 and 250mcg of GHRP-2 SubQ
3) Draw serum GH exactly 40min after injection
He further found through more blood testing that the 100/100mcg combo works just as well than the 500/250mcg dosage.
Here is another myth clearing blood test:
So due to overwhelming request and my own curiosity i decided to repeat the same test as before but this time post meal. We are always concerned and sometimes skip an injection because we think the food in our system will prevent release of GH from pituitary. So this morning at 8:30am i had:
1) 5 eggs scrambled with 1 teaspoon of Ghee butter
2) one large avocado
3) 2 slices of Arnolds multi wheat whole grain bread
My nutrition calculator states that i consumed 780 calories, 50g of fat, 53g of carbs and 43g of protein. So this was all started at 8:30 and finished by 8:45am. At 10:15am which is 1.5hours after meal completion i injected GRF/GHRP-2 100/100mcg combination.
I felt so weak and woozy from the GHRP-2 as i always do that at the 30min mark i ate a Chobani pineapple yogurt which has 160 calories 2.5g of fat, carbs 21gr, and protein 13g.
I had serum GH drawn at the 40min mark as usual. We will know tomorrow if the food consumption prevented or blunted serum GH. We have two solid numbers before with fasting so this will be a great comparison.
So does taking peptides after eating blunt the GH response? If you guys remember the last GRF/GHRP-2 100/100 was 19.5, so for this to come at 18.9 is a 3% difference which is pretty much none. Seems this is not a very significant drop. So the myth seems to have been busted. I pointed this out to DAT years ago and it caused a big riff between him and I because I disagreed with him that peptides must be taken on an empty stomach.
I initially did GRF/Ipam 100/250mcg and tested fasting at 40min. Not such good results here, huh? GH went from 4.0 - 2.2
GRF/IPAM 100/250mcg 2hours post injection....not much better
Next - combo of GRF/Ipam at 100/500mcg and tested at two hours fasting
Big difference between the two guys who did blood testing. I have never done blood testing using any of the peptides however, I have found myself that 500mg of Ipamorelin is the starting point if you want to see your GH and IGF-1 levels rise. I have always done 1000mg/day at bedtime combined with modified GRF 1-29. Other than that I will not use Ipamorelin because it is just not cost effective when the other GHRPs get better results.