Why do you want to use it? I think the smallest dose is .5mg then you may cut it in half. They would be hard to cut smaller than half as they turn to dust. It is a strong drug and if you don't need it it will wipe out your prolactin at any dose. When I used it my Prolactin was close to 0 and it took 3-4 days to feel better after not taking it. Prolactin has effect on uptake of DHT. You may not want to reduce your response to androgens. Then others on PPI and antacids may have increased Prolactin causing effect of increased uptake of DHT to the prostate gland and male accessory sex tissues. That may be something they don't want.
Over many years of reading forums I can only think of one person that got the magic pill response from dostinex. If that is what your looking for I would bet its not going to happen.
I believe that cabergoline can cause heart valve calcification in patients that use high levels. I believe the levels you are talkin about there are no concerns with heart valve issues.Hello Vince
Can I have heart problems with low dosage cabergoline 0.25-0.5mg week if I use it long time?
Thank you