By no means. You are noticing issues of that sort?Have you noticed reduced empathy?
How has trt affected your romantic relationships and friendships?
I have found that it improved my friendships and my relationship with my wife. better health, increased energy, and a more positive outlook have all been beneficial to those relationships. I find that I am also more open and direct and I waste less time. Those are good qualities if you want to be effective at what you do in life and they seem to help in relationships as well.
One thing I find is I am less tolerant of people who waste my time or who are lazy. I understand them, I don't hate them, I just don't need them intimately involved in my life. Since TRT I find that I associate more with positive and energetic people than lazy and negative types.
I would have to agree with everyone, much more calm when dealing with people. People ask me why am I so calm, it's not that I'm more calm just more tolerant. My libido is very strong but I don't chase other women, just the one I'm with. I believe sex is as good as it's ever been for me.
Have you noticed reduced empathy?
What's empathy?