Last Hematacrit was 54. I am caught in a catch 22 situation. I have been donating to keep it in the high 40's. But I have low ferritin. This is a result of taking Nexium daily for GERD. The low stomach acid inhibits the absorption of iron. So if I donate, the ferritin tanks, if I don't , high Hematacrit.
3+ years. High Hematacrit has always been an issue. Originally treated by donating but the low ferritin is clouding the issue.
Thanks for the comment. Endoscopic exam showed damage and pre cancerous tissue in the esophagus due to acid reflux. So I have no choice, control acid reflux or have throat cancer.
As a former user of PPIs are you aware of how those muck up your nitric oxide and are related to ED...just mentioning it.