Josh Randall
New Member
I was taking 100 mgs divided into 50 mg injections twice a week. This was putting my TT above 1100 ( in the trough) I realize that's probably too high and I should have lowered the dose but I was loving the results, mostly in the gym. I noticed my blood pressure creeping up and when it got to 160 /80 I decided I better get off and see what's going on. To cut to the chase - I haven't injected in three weeks and I'm still at 160/ 80. Shouldn't those numbers have come down if the T was causing it ? I'm thinking now maybe it isn't the testosterone that is causing the elevated numbers ( actually hoping so I can go back on at a lower dose) I'm 63 maybe it's just time that I need something to control bp. I'm seeing my primary doc tomorrow (who isn't onboard with TRT.)