Absolutely expected to have ferritin that low donating every two month. By reducing you dosage and lowering FT levels you might be able to donate less often or even stop donating altogether. Worth trying specially at your current FT levels. Keep in mind you can feel a bit off for 6 weeks or so as the body adjusts to the change of protocol. Do no make any conclusions before at least 6-8 weeks after lowering your dosageProtocol is 250 mg a week split up twice a week with aromasin at 12 mg once a week. Low ferritin i believe is coming from donating blood every two months. Hematocrit stays around 47-50.
Protocol is 250 mg a week split up twice a week with aromasin at 12 mg once a week. Low ferritin i believe is coming from donating blood every two months. Hematocrit stays around 47-50.
Absolutely expected to have ferritin that low donating every two month. By reducing you dosage and lowering FT levels you might be able to donate less often or even stop donating altogether. Worth trying specially at your current FT levels. Keep in mind you can feel a bit off for 6 weeks or so as the body adjusts to the change of protocol. Do no make any conclusions before at least 6-8 weeks after lowering your dosage