Nelson Vergel
The email below is from one of my coaching clients trying to get his lady pregnant.
"My fiance and I took some time off from fertility treatments but are getting back to it and was wondering if you have ever done any research or would be willing to do so on the female side of things ?
On a personal note my sperm count was hovering at around 34M (million) for many months on fsh and hcg protocol. I did some study and found suggestions that hgh could help in females and the same concept could be applied to males. I started taking 2ius of hgh a day plus 25mg of mk677 (ibutamoren) and now my count is consistently above 100M. "
I had never heard of the role of GH or IGF-1 in fertility. I found these interesting papers:
"Growth hormone has been used as an adjunct in fertility treatment for over 25 years, although apart from the treatment of women with GH deficiency its role has still to be clarified. Many underpowered studies have been performed on women with a poor response to ovarian stimulation."
"The growth hormone acts directly and indirectly via hepatic IGF-1, at the testicular level, to promote sperm production. The locally produced GH may act in a paracrine or autocrine fashion to regulate local processes that are strategically regulated by pituitary GH."
"My fiance and I took some time off from fertility treatments but are getting back to it and was wondering if you have ever done any research or would be willing to do so on the female side of things ?
On a personal note my sperm count was hovering at around 34M (million) for many months on fsh and hcg protocol. I did some study and found suggestions that hgh could help in females and the same concept could be applied to males. I started taking 2ius of hgh a day plus 25mg of mk677 (ibutamoren) and now my count is consistently above 100M. "
I had never heard of the role of GH or IGF-1 in fertility. I found these interesting papers:
"Growth hormone has been used as an adjunct in fertility treatment for over 25 years, although apart from the treatment of women with GH deficiency its role has still to be clarified. Many underpowered studies have been performed on women with a poor response to ovarian stimulation."

Frontiers | Use of Growth Hormone in the IVF Treatment of Women With Poor Ovarian Reserve
Growth hormone (GH) has been used as an adjunct in the field of female infertility treatment for more than 25 years, although, apart from treating women with...

Growth Hormone for Fertility May Help Poor Responders
Growth hormone may help patients with diminished ovarian reserve.

Growth hormone co-treatment within a GnRH agonist long protocol in patients with poor ovarian response: a prospective, randomized, clinical trial - PubMed
Poor responder women undergoing repeated assisted reproduction treatment and co-stimulated with GH achieve more oocytes, higher fertilization rate if growth hormone started in the luteal phase of previous cycle, as compared with women of the same status treated with GnRHa long protocol. The...

"The growth hormone acts directly and indirectly via hepatic IGF-1, at the testicular level, to promote sperm production. The locally produced GH may act in a paracrine or autocrine fashion to regulate local processes that are strategically regulated by pituitary GH."
Growth hormone in male infertility - PMC
Growth hormone (GH) is expressed in a variety of tissues, including the testes, and has autocrine and paracrine functions as well. This, along with other factors, exerts autocrine and paracrine control over spermatogenesis. GH, used as an adjuvant ...