Joe Martin
New Member
Hey guys, So several of you know I got a very bad protocol from my doctor.
1 injection a month for the last two months.
I went and got bloods done independently last tuesday then went and did the ordered bloods for him last thursday.
Now I go see him THIS thursday.
I'm comparing my old results with my independent results and I have a question.
My first lab seems to only reference total testosterone, while my new lab is total and free.
My total seems much higher this lab than last but theres some kind of "flag" on my free testosterone.
Can you guys clear this up for me? What am I looking at exactly?
1 injection a month for the last two months.
I went and got bloods done independently last tuesday then went and did the ordered bloods for him last thursday.
Now I go see him THIS thursday.
I'm comparing my old results with my independent results and I have a question.
My first lab seems to only reference total testosterone, while my new lab is total and free.
My total seems much higher this lab than last but theres some kind of "flag" on my free testosterone.
Can you guys clear this up for me? What am I looking at exactly?