Has anybody on here ever had low testosterone symptoms or knew somebody with low testosterone symptoms with total test in the 600's or 700's?
I went to my primary and he said my thyroid is fine since my TSH and T4 are in normal range. I will be going to a hormone specialist though when I get a chance to. Other than that my SHBG is kind of high but its in range though. So I guess the only way to fix my SHBG is to just start taking testosterone?
These ranges exist because everyone is different otherwise everyone would have the exact same numbers, so guy A might feel alright with his SHBG on the high side whereas guy B feels horrible with a similarly high SHBG. Testosterone is the only thing that can affect SHBG in a meaningful way. Most doctors have a poor understanding of normal thyroid ranges, so what's normal?
The problem lies in convincing some doctors who don't believe SHBG near the top of these ranges is a problem.
You state that "testosterone is the only thing that can affect shbg in a meaningful way" are you sure?
HIGH PROTEIN/LOW FIBER https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-lookup/doi/10.1210/jcem.85.1.6291
Has anybody on here ever had low testosterone symptoms or knew somebody with low testosterone symptoms with total test in the 600's or 700's?
Madman- My shbg was measured at 40 and 47 before. The range is from 10-50. My free testosterone is 73.5pg/ml and the range for free testosterone is 46-224. I also had my free testosterone measured at 77pg/ml on a second blood test. So my free testosterone is in range but it looks to me it is near the lower end or mid lower end.
Has anybody on here ever had low testosterone symptoms or knew somebody with low testosterone symptoms with total test in the 600's or 700's?