I was reading the "Optimize your Testosterone" eBook on this site. http://excelmale.com/Ebook-Optimize-Your-Testosterone.pdf
Something I don't understand about the chart on page 13 (or 14 if you go by PDF#), On all my Blood Work lab results, the reference range for free T is 46.0 to 224.0 pg/ml. 5 years ago, my free T on my lab results was 90 pg/ml, then 3 months ago it was 46, then last month it was 40. It's been going down (unfortunately), but still far exceeds the reference ranges noted in Nelson's eBook. I am thinking my Free T is now below normal according to my lab ranges, but according to the eBook, are they considered high?
Many of the guys I see posting on this site and the FB page seem to have those low Free T numbers, but I never see anyone post #'s above 30 pg/ml. Am I misreading this or do different labs have different ranges for results that need to be considered?
Something I don't understand about the chart on page 13 (or 14 if you go by PDF#), On all my Blood Work lab results, the reference range for free T is 46.0 to 224.0 pg/ml. 5 years ago, my free T on my lab results was 90 pg/ml, then 3 months ago it was 46, then last month it was 40. It's been going down (unfortunately), but still far exceeds the reference ranges noted in Nelson's eBook. I am thinking my Free T is now below normal according to my lab ranges, but according to the eBook, are they considered high?
Many of the guys I see posting on this site and the FB page seem to have those low Free T numbers, but I never see anyone post #'s above 30 pg/ml. Am I misreading this or do different labs have different ranges for results that need to be considered?