Since being my e2(Ed injections,adex)down I no longer can cry,
I’m not shaking with anxiety anymore! I don’t have panic attacks
I no longer feel anxious or sad,I find my self being able to cope with shit a lot easier!
when I smoke weed I no longer get nervous or anxious I feel calm and relaxed!
I feel like I’m loosing my emotions I don’t get mad,happy,or sadas easy!
I don’t feel as anxious or on edge!
is this bad?
I’m not shaking with anxiety anymore! I don’t have panic attacks
I no longer feel anxious or sad,I find my self being able to cope with shit a lot easier!
when I smoke weed I no longer get nervous or anxious I feel calm and relaxed!
I feel like I’m loosing my emotions I don’t get mad,happy,or sadas easy!
I don’t feel as anxious or on edge!
is this bad?
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