Exercising with newly installed pacemaker


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Looking for articles that will allow me to keep training even after my pacemaker was installed. Reason installed was long times at night (5-8 sec) my heart would stop and keep in the rate of 20s. Had this problem (although not as bad) in my 30s.History. Avid weight lifter +30 years, TRT x 7 years (+ dr prescribed deca and semorelin),healthy, 190lb at 5'8", since i am in my fifties (54) I no longer lift super heavy (joints), follow Doug Brignole style of training, also do camp gladiator workouts to maintain mobility. Use Bipap machine for over 10 years now.

I realize that some lifts will be out for me now (shoulder presses and anything pushing shoulder to possible break PM leads) and have been trying to find info regarding training with pacemaker while on trt. Not alot of viable info out there just ranting and raving.

Any direction would be appreciated!
Strength and honor!
I'm sorry this is a little bit of the subject. Would good Coq 10 levels prevent the need of a heart Pacemaker? Did you ever have your levels checked and if you did what was your results?
problem was found in my 30s. thought cpap would fix it since it resembles sleep apnea. EXTENSIVE family history of cardiac problems (Most before 50) Not sure if COQ10 would have helped in short time but maybe if I had been on it at 30 (now 54)
problem was found in my 30s. thought cpap would fix it since it resembles sleep apnea. EXTENSIVE family history of cardiac problems (Most before 50) Not sure if COQ10 would have helped in short time but maybe if I had been on it at 30 (now 54)
When you have time watch Langsjoen's video. He's one of the doctors, the other doctors gave their patients to, when they gave up on them.
I've had a pacemaker for about 7 years (60 now)--I had a similar problem. I haven't really seen much of an inability to do weightlifting (overhead included), and I used to do Crossfit. The only thing I don't do is front squat--placement of the bar seems to hit the pacemaker. Has the physician restricted you during the healing process?
Yes he has restricted me. Been on treadmill and doing calf raises and single leg press. Surgery was done 9 days ago, stent put in 10 days ago. I am keeping it easy but was planning ahead. Granted my dr is not weightlifter so I am left to figure it out. He would like me not to lift heavy anymore. Over the last 15 months I had two rotator cuff shoulders and have dropped any pressing overhead exercises, benching off floor now to save the shoulders, and was wondering what else I might have to alter. Really sad about the heavy lifting, finally got my bench to 365 (floor bench) but much rather have the heart lol. Quit heavy squats because of back compression so I went to front squats and now looks like I have to stop that now.

Any workout sites you recommend?
Thanks in advance
I can’t provide any sites or literature however I have personal experience as I had a pacemaker put in five years ago at age 35. My heart would “pause” also and looking back it seems like they decided to put one in a bit premature but I’m not complaining as I’m healthy with no related issues.

My docs all gave me the green light on pretty much all activity as long as I avoid direct forceful impact to it which means my chest. Once everything healed up I honestly have pretty much forgotten it’s in there and resumed almost all activities if not more. Actually, I’m lifting heavier and training a lot harder now than before. The only specific activity I recall which kinda scared me was a wipeout surfing when my chest hit my board just right so I’m more cautious with that. I think part of it has been learning to slightly adapt over time with certain lifts to the point where I don’t even realize it now. Again, this is solely my personal experience and nothing more. Got the cpap as well. Good luck and just be smart!

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