Nelson Vergel
Hi Guys
First of all, thank you for being a member and for sharing with others.
I created ExcelMale in October 2014 with the forum technology available back then (vbulletin). Unfortunately, Google stopped ranking vbulletin forums well since they could not provide a good mobile experience. As you know, our mobile experience on ExcelMale is not adequate at all.
Fortunately, our amazing moderators have made this forum work despite the older technology used to design it. I am proud that we have made it a place where men can share health information without being attacked or trolled.
The good news is that we are about to start a redesign of ExcelMale using a more responsive platform called Xenforo.
But before we do so, I would like to ask for a favor from all of you.
Besides the obvious poor mobile (cell phone, Ipad, etc) experience,
1- What would you like to see on ExcelMale?
2- Any particular forum structure concerns?
3- Have you see forums that are better designed? Can you show us examples?
4- Do you like the search feature on this site now? If not, what would you change?
5- What would make you come back to ExcelMale more frequently?
6- Would you trust an ExcelMale brand of supplements curated by Nelson Vergel?
7-Any other issues/ideas?
Feel free to reply to this post.
Thank you in advance for helping to make one of the best men's health forum platforms in the world.
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