I got my lipid panel results:
Cholesterol, total: 218
triglycerides: 153
HDL: 39
VLDL: 31
LDL: 148
All other tests were normal. All of the above were out of range except VLDL. 51 years old. 245 pounds. 25% body fat (guesstimate). Mother died of heart disease at age 49. Should I get on cholesterol medication? Which medicine does not interfere with TRT? Testosterone, HCG, & Anastrozole.
What would you do?
I have been getting similar results, low 200's, for last 8 years.
Cholesterol, total: 218
triglycerides: 153
HDL: 39
VLDL: 31
LDL: 148
All other tests were normal. All of the above were out of range except VLDL. 51 years old. 245 pounds. 25% body fat (guesstimate). Mother died of heart disease at age 49. Should I get on cholesterol medication? Which medicine does not interfere with TRT? Testosterone, HCG, & Anastrozole.
What would you do?
I have been getting similar results, low 200's, for last 8 years.