I don't know about this guy:
- dude is a gynecologist
- "if you push the testosterone up, you push the SHBG up"...really?
- he has a compounding pharmacies that make injectable test/nandro/stano?... but he uses pellets and regular stano tabs and nandro injections??
- how are you gonna get winstrol?
- environmental toxins?
If this is the video I watched a few months ago. He is not talking about standard trt. He uses this line of treatment for complications of crohns and other auto- immune type illnesses. Unless you have something mAjor going on I wouldn’t even remotely consider using him for trt. This is why I have a problem with that ******** group.
I fully understand that. But adding one variable is tricky enough in the current state of trt imagine all this and like fifty said using pellets also. Not for meIt's not "standard TRT", but "standard" is only our current acceptance of what we see as normal. The anabolics that are mentioned in the video can be safely prescribed to help in a wide array of health issues. And yes they are legal in the US. They are more progressive treatments. Guys heal faster, have less pain, lose fat, can reverse metabolic diseases, and they are happier and hornier. Women too. Defy can prescribe them after reviewing lab results for safety and discussing with patients.
I would not opt for pellets either. They are supposed to be more convenient but I don't personally see that unless I had a career of being all over the place such as a pilot or first responder where planning around taking medications isn't an option.I fully understand that. But adding one variable is tricky enough in the current state of trt imagine all this and like fifty said using pellets also. Not for me
Good luck trying to manage all that. I respect the guys work. But not for standard trt
For almost everyone asking questions on this forum (which is a tiny subset of the total TRT population), "standard TRT" is not working. I see people on this forum constantly trying to make changes, the changes never working out, and very few success reports (such as "I feel fantastic, on top of the world, like a million bucks, every day").
Im sure these people would certainly benefit from the novel treatments Lichten uses. We seem to have a mentality here that dose amounts and dose frequency are the only two variables we can change. And that T and E2 are totally responsible for how we feel, ignoring gut health, ignoring neurotransmitters, ignoring other compounds.
It seems like his protocols make sense for even just the regular Joe Shmoe that needs TRT, imo. 120-160mg of test per week to boost testosterone levels. 40-60mg of nandrolone per week for its anti-inflammatory/ joint benefits, as well as its ability to free up testosterone, thus increasing the free T to E2 ratio. Then with select high SHBG patients, he implements a very small dose of stanozolol to lower SHBG, and increase free T, again improving the free T to E2 ratio, and ultimately eliminating the need to use ai’s.
You good sir have provided an excellent and concise summary of Lichtens method. I have saved an offline copy of your post along with the video, while I don't need it right now, its like gold in the vault for a rainy day if ever one comes. Thanks!