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I had a thread concerning my test/e2/e3, but I am no longer able to post in it????

Update: had some bloodwork done last week, 2/18/19 test 280, estradiol 14.
4/17/19, testosterone >1500, estradiol 53.

I upped the dosage of testosterone to .80 twice a week to raise the e2. Mission accomplished. No way do I want test levels that high.

My plan is to reduce test to .3 twice a week. After 4 weeks have bloodwork done again.

I would like your opinion if this is good strategy?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Well...I just don’t want testosterone over 1500. My e2 was crashed so I was taking that much testosterone and dhea to get it back up.

Based on your response, is that too drastic a drop? I would like to be around 800.
I was dosing 50 mg twice a week, I was taking Arimidex and tanked my e2. Raised my testosterone to 80mg twice a week to raise my e2.
Nothing wrong with 1500 if you feel ok and all labs are ok. How do you know you will feel good at 800?
I don’t. I can’t say I feel great at 1500. Chest acne, Ed, weight gain, e2 messed up. I feel as bad as when I first started, but back then I could f**k like a champ.
At this point I don’t know what normal is anymore.....
What is your protocol history ? How many different dosages have you been on and what about the frequencies. How long have you been doing trt? Who is your dr. ? Labs? Shbg ?
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