I was diagnosed over a decade and have been on every machine (cpap, bipap, and apap) and have had the surgery. There is mixed debate on whether or not TRT exacerbates sleep apnea. Anecdotally, when I started TRT, my weight fluctuated very rapidly and my events went from 67 per hr to 81 w/ increased central events during rem. I recall that you did not have insurance...is this still the case? I would highly recommend you eventually look into an APAP as it auto-titrates. Many if not most of the health concerns especially fatigue you have complained about will be greatly relieved by CPAP but give it time. Some ppl experience drastic improvement within days while others take months to notice an appreciable difference. FWIW avoid the surgery like the plague. It is an extremely painful experience, helps only a small percentage, and on occasion makes it worse. Here is a link to a pretty good group on FB that can help you with many questions that arise
Hope2Sleep Support Group for Sleep Apnoea, UARS + CPAP/Ventilator Users | ********