I am re-posting this from my other older thread that seems to have gotten lost:
Alright so I went for bloodwork at about the 6 week mark of starting clomid 25mg/ED.
I will post the blood work below. Please inform me of my next option. I am going to see the doc and am looking for guidance on what to expect and what to propose.
In short, my TT went up only 60 points. My Free T dropped a few points. My Lymphocytes plummeted tremendously. My FSH shot up 2.5 points and am high. My E2 stood the same at 29. (It was 29 before on the regular assay before therapy and is 29 this time on the ultra sensitive). This little jump isn't worth me having slight insomnia, hot flashes, and lower libido than before starting clomid.
Please help inform me on what the next step should be.
Alright so I went for bloodwork at about the 6 week mark of starting clomid 25mg/ED.
I will post the blood work below. Please inform me of my next option. I am going to see the doc and am looking for guidance on what to expect and what to propose.
In short, my TT went up only 60 points. My Free T dropped a few points. My Lymphocytes plummeted tremendously. My FSH shot up 2.5 points and am high. My E2 stood the same at 29. (It was 29 before on the regular assay before therapy and is 29 this time on the ultra sensitive). This little jump isn't worth me having slight insomnia, hot flashes, and lower libido than before starting clomid.
Please help inform me on what the next step should be.