Age 40.
My clomid dosage is 50mg ED .
I'm taking it last 10days.
Before treatment I had LowT - 430ng/dl and Lh - 2,5 mlU/ml, E2 - 18pg/ml
I started clomid teraphy because of low energy, no libido at all, bad mood, ED.
Blood test after 8 days with clomid :
Testosterone - 790 ng/dl
Lh - 3,7 mlU/ml
E2 - 33 pg/ml
I don't have good doctor in my country.
I think my doc gave me too high dose of clomid (50mg ED) for 3 months.
What dosage will be right for me, 25mg ED ?
After my testosterone boost to 790, I feel better.
Still no libido, but more energy and I feel more comfortable inside my body, less depression.
Just little bit sexual feeling, but still no libido.
From my previous treatment expirience (HCG 8 years ago) I now that I feel normal someware around 700ng/dl, but I'm not sure is it 650 or 750 or more.
I have good diet (gluten, lactoza free), no stress, some exercise.
My medical history tells me that may pituitary gland doesn't give me enough Lh without reason.
I have artretic inflamention ( now remission), I got Low T and infalamention in the same time.
I don't think that I can recover from this shit, always when I stop HRT my T -level go down to 400 ng/dl .
Age 40.
My clomid dosage is 50mg ED .
I'm taking it last 10days.
Before treatment I had LowT - 430ng/dl and Lh - 2,5 mlU/ml, E2 - 18pg/ml
I started clomid teraphy because of low energy, no libido at all, bad mood, ED.
Blood test after 8 days with clomid :
Testosterone - 790 ng/dl
Lh - 3,7 mlU/ml
E2 - 33 pg/ml
I don't have good doctor in my country.
I think my doc gave me too high dose of clomid (50mg ED) for 3 months.
What dosage will be right for me, 25mg ED ?
After my testosterone boost to 790, I feel better.
Still no libido, but more energy and I feel more comfortable inside my body, less depression.
Just little bit sexual feeling, but still no libido.
From my previous treatment expirience (HCG 8 years ago) I now that I feel normal someware around 700ng/dl, but I'm not sure is it 650 or 750 or more.
I have good diet (gluten, lactoza free), no stress, some exercise.
My medical history tells me that may pituitary gland doesn't give me enough Lh without reason.
I have artretic inflamention ( now remission), I got Low T and infalamention in the same time.
I don't think that I can recover from this shit, always when I stop HRT my T -level go down to 400 ng/dl .
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