First: sorry for my english, I dont speak it well but I understand it.
I have symptom of low testosterone: low libido, depression, I dont keep the erección, wieght loss (muscle), and others symptom.
I went to endocrinologist and he did a test:
Data: 24 years (recently, april 1, 2018), weight 91 kg, height 1.85 mts.
First Test (february 13, 2018):
T. Testosterone: 2.93 ng/ml
TSH: 0.99 ųUI/ml
Estradiol: 41.11 pg/ml
FSH: 1.10 mUI/ml
LH: 4.73 mUI/ml
Second test (march 8, 2018):
T. Testosterone: 3.41 ng/ml
FSH: 0.93 mUI/ml
LH: 4.32 mUI/ml
(In this test he DONT test me E2 and TSH)
Normal values in my lab: (t. Testosterone : 2.40 - 10.80) (fsh:1.50 - 12.40) (lh: 1.70 - 8.60) (estradiol: 11.30 - 43.20) (tsh: 0.27 - 4.2)
He didnt help me in anything, Just tell me i'm ok and everything is psychologyc but... I know myself and I sure is wrong.
What I can do?
Are those values normal for my age?
I have symptom of low testosterone: low libido, depression, I dont keep the erección, wieght loss (muscle), and others symptom.
I went to endocrinologist and he did a test:
Data: 24 years (recently, april 1, 2018), weight 91 kg, height 1.85 mts.
First Test (february 13, 2018):
T. Testosterone: 2.93 ng/ml
TSH: 0.99 ųUI/ml
Estradiol: 41.11 pg/ml
FSH: 1.10 mUI/ml
LH: 4.73 mUI/ml
Second test (march 8, 2018):
T. Testosterone: 3.41 ng/ml
FSH: 0.93 mUI/ml
LH: 4.32 mUI/ml
(In this test he DONT test me E2 and TSH)
Normal values in my lab: (t. Testosterone : 2.40 - 10.80) (fsh:1.50 - 12.40) (lh: 1.70 - 8.60) (estradiol: 11.30 - 43.20) (tsh: 0.27 - 4.2)
He didnt help me in anything, Just tell me i'm ok and everything is psychologyc but... I know myself and I sure is wrong.
What I can do?
Are those values normal for my age?