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37 years old, gymming 3x/week. Squeaky-clean diet, decent sleep. Have what I'd consider to be standard low-T symptoms (brain fog, lack of motivation, always tired, difficulty building muscle/losing fat, irritability).
Thanks in advance.
I wasn't given a range for FT. It was calculated from total T and SHBG by an endocrinologist- Dr Savage in the Leger Clinic. That plus SHBG were done by him, everything else is on the NHS.What is the range for FT and what lab did you have blood work done at?
Was your blood test done fasted and early in the am?
It is also the wrong estradiol test as you need the estradiol sensitive (LC/MS-MS)
I wasn't given a range for FT. It was calculated from total T and SHBG by an endocrinologist- Dr Savage in the Leger Clinic. That plus SHBG were done by him, everything else is on the NHS.
Fasted and early in the morning for all tests I've had done apart from SHBG which was early afternoon because of travelling.
I can't get sensitive E2 on the NHS.
If we use the Free & Bioavailable Testosterone Calculator:
Although we do not know your Albumin in the calculator 4.3 g/dL is used as the mean (average in most men) unless in presence of significant hypoalbuminemia.
When we use your TT 15.2 nmol/L and your SHBG 39 nmol/L than your FT is 1.86% which is low and your Bioavailable T is 43.7%.
Men need their FT to be in the 2-3% range of TT.
Thank you. Albumin was 44 g/L. So that puts me at 1.84%.
At the time of the tests I was circa 25% bodyfat- now at 19% and dropping. Would a decrease in bf% down to 12-15% raise FT up enough to be in a good range?