HI I’m a 46-year-old male living in the Midwest. I’m 6 foot tall and weigh about 190pounds. I’m running 15 to 20 miles per week, cycle 40 to 60 miles a week and lift 2 to 3 times a week.Relatively muscular with a 44 chest and a 34 waist. Had my T checked a number of years ago and it came in at 242. Was put on injections every two weeks which brought my T into the mid 800s. However also saw increased agitation and quick to temper. Physician pulled me off injections and give me androgel topical 2 pumps per day. T checked again and it dropped 200. Increased topical T3 pumps per day. Cholesterol good blood sugar since about 105 so maybe slightly pre-diabetic. Also have sleep apnea. Do have a CPAP struggle to use it. I’ll beenlethargic for the last six months and more recently have experienced severe night sweats. 4 to 5 nights a week waking up covered in sweat with the bed soaked. I typically try to focus on a high-fat low-carb a hydrate diet which seems to work for me. Suggestions? Thank you for your help . Recent blood work completed