Bloodwork 80mg subQ vs IM
SubQ. 8 weeks 5/16 in thighs and glute. 40mg E3D. TT: 540 FT: 26 E2: 34 Shbg: 13 IM. 4.5 weeks, same dose 25g 1inch glutes. TT: 784 FT:32 E2: 26 SHBG: 11 Interesting numbers. I was bloated and gyno was hard and itching, sleep was meh on subQ. Lost the water weight and gyno on IM, better...
Fresh fresh bloodwork
@madman @Cataceous
Yeah yeah, he didn't mention the assays used. Guess what, I don't care! I have been preaching this mantra for a while now, and new bloodwork keeps popping up. And this guy stuck with SubQ for 8 weeks, so the AUC hypothesis wont help find the missing T.
I read T forums of all kinds widely. This lower T higher E story on subQ is perhaps the only thing common across diverse forums (BB forums, bro forums, proper TRT forums, country specific local forums etc).