Beta Alanine

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Has anyone tried Beta Alanine? It's suppose to help reduce lactic acid build up and neuromuscular fatigue during workouts, and apparently it works even better when stacked with creatine.
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There is some very good info on Beta Alanine on Will Brink's website. Apparently, beta alanine may cause muscle cell taurine depletion. Here are a few interesting snippets on mitigating this issue, followed by a bit on how fish oil may interact with the effects of beta alanine.

Cycle your Beta-alanine!
The answer in overcoming any potential issues with taurine depletion is 2 fold and can be related to some recent work. In a trial from Belgium (Baguet et al. 2009) researches have shown for the first time that following 6 weeks of beta-alanine supplementation the resulting increase in muscle carnosine (~30%) reverts to baseline levels within 3 week following cessation of supplementation. This shows us that we can de-load and load relatively quickly with beta-alanine supplements. During the de-loading period we could then supplement with taurine which in many animal studies has been shown to effectively increase muscle taurine concentrations. This would help replace any lost muscle/cardiac taurine, which may have occurred during beta-alanine supplementation. Unfortunately, in humans the research (Galloway et al. 2008) demonstrates that taurine supplementation is not effective in increasing muscle taurine (<2g).

Given meat contains both beta-alanine and taurine is a safe guess that we can take both nutrients at the same time so potentially taurine when given in a slow release (meat) form will increase muscle taurine levels (we don't know for sure). Alternatively, higher doses of taurine (>1.5-2g/d) maybe required. My advice 3g/d for 1-4 weeks should do the trick (not evidence but based of my own biopsy data when a PhD student when this type of does seemed to tripled my muscle taurine stores).
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*Beta-Alanine update: Just as a note of interest in a recent publication in the Journal “Amino Acids” researcher have shown that DHA (An Omega-3 fatty acid) reduced concentrations of carnosine in skeletal muscle in an animal study. Although this is an animal trial it maybe worthy avoiding fish oil products at the same time as supplementing with beta-alanine. I would recommend an early morning beta-alanine does and pre-bed time fish oil if you must take both. Other wise cycle beta-alanine 4 weeks on (no supplemental fish oils) 4 weeks off (back on the fish oils). - See more at:;a-medicine-in-the-waiting/#sthash.0uEq1vF2.dpuf
I swear by it and can tell a difference when im not taking it. I love cellucor bcaas that have beta alanine in them also.
I use it religously in my selected preworkout drink. I do so much between that that is loaded with Citrulline, and Beta Alanine, I add creatine and BCAAs...I can't say one of those things make a difference. Its largely the caffeine in the preworkout that fuels my hour in the weighroom. I'm an advanced lifter, 25years, so I tend to not notice most mild to even moderate DOS unless it's severe. But I burn through that gym session, along with my TRT regimen, I'm bigger, stronger, than I've ever been before.
I love it and use it in my pre-workout drink religiously. I definitely think it helps with lactic acid and fatigue.

I also, oddly enough, enjoy the "beta alanine tingles" in my face. &#55357;&#56842;
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