The only protocol that has worked for me so far is the T-cream on scrotum, injections don't come close, no matter what protocol, what test. Did SubQ, IM, in my eyeball, right into my dick, 31g needle, 10g needle, 10 inch needle, 1mm needle NOTHING just worked.
I hd TT 1200s, FT 30, E2 40, DHT 170 and SHGB 9 only from 50mg of TCOS (Tcreamonscrotum), I have never experienced such libido and erections on injections.
Because I was losing too much hair, I have decided to go half injection half cream, and it is still pretty decent. Still trying to find a sweet spot, I know my e2 is a bit high without bloodwork, I know it well after years of TRT and steroids. There is something with the cream that does wonders in the penis department. Even with high e2, penis and libido are still better than when I had "good E2" levels on injections.
It's either I was DHT deficient, or my body likes the fast swing in hormones. I don't know what it is, would love to hear opinions from low SHBG patients
I hd TT 1200s, FT 30, E2 40, DHT 170 and SHGB 9 only from 50mg of TCOS (Tcreamonscrotum), I have never experienced such libido and erections on injections.
Because I was losing too much hair, I have decided to go half injection half cream, and it is still pretty decent. Still trying to find a sweet spot, I know my e2 is a bit high without bloodwork, I know it well after years of TRT and steroids. There is something with the cream that does wonders in the penis department. Even with high e2, penis and libido are still better than when I had "good E2" levels on injections.
It's either I was DHT deficient, or my body likes the fast swing in hormones. I don't know what it is, would love to hear opinions from low SHBG patients