My blood work from January showed my E2 levels were elevated: (first E2 test after starting HCG in October)
Estradiol Free: 0.86 (range: < or = 0.45 (pg/mL)
Estradiol: 39 (range: < or + 29 (pg/mL)
When I posted this before Dr. Saya chimed in and recommended I start DIM 100-200mg and calcium D-glucarate 500mg twice daily. So I started the DIM at 200mg and Calcium D--glucarate at 200mg twice a day. I did notice a slight increase in my libido which had been in the tank since the first of the year.
I finally had my follow-up with Defy last Friday and they added Anastrazole, 25mg twice a week. They recommended I take it the same days I inject .3ml Test E and .5ml HCG. (M/Thr)
Also they recommended I continue to take the DIM and calcuim D-glucarate since they are natural supplements.
So my question to you, what if anything should I be watching for with taking the Anastrazole twice a week?
I'm hoping this does lower my estrogen and my libido returns like it was before. My next scheduled doctors appointment/blood work is scheduled for 6 April. (6 weeks from now)
Additionally, since my RBC is high they recommended when I donate again on 27 March do donate double RBC vs. whole blood donation.
Estradiol Free: 0.86 (range: < or = 0.45 (pg/mL)
Estradiol: 39 (range: < or + 29 (pg/mL)
When I posted this before Dr. Saya chimed in and recommended I start DIM 100-200mg and calcium D-glucarate 500mg twice daily. So I started the DIM at 200mg and Calcium D--glucarate at 200mg twice a day. I did notice a slight increase in my libido which had been in the tank since the first of the year.
I finally had my follow-up with Defy last Friday and they added Anastrazole, 25mg twice a week. They recommended I take it the same days I inject .3ml Test E and .5ml HCG. (M/Thr)
Also they recommended I continue to take the DIM and calcuim D-glucarate since they are natural supplements.
So my question to you, what if anything should I be watching for with taking the Anastrazole twice a week?
I'm hoping this does lower my estrogen and my libido returns like it was before. My next scheduled doctors appointment/blood work is scheduled for 6 April. (6 weeks from now)
Additionally, since my RBC is high they recommended when I donate again on 27 March do donate double RBC vs. whole blood donation.