New Member
Had my first 3 month follow up with my endo who initially started me on the testosterone road. After finding this forum, nothing that she recommended as far as injection protocol I followed. Currently @ 42mgs E3D cyp IM and am content and more importantly, feeling decent. Here are the tests she ran with results. I have run some tests myself with my G.P. in between the three months to see what was going on with some adjustments. My pre-trt and other tests can be found on other threads.
Testosterone total=631ng/dl (241-827)
(That is ALL she ran for hormones!! RIDICULOUS)
WBC=8.8 (3.7-10.4)
RBC=5.34 (4.35-5.56)
HEMOGLOBIN=17.0 (13.2-16.8) HIGH
HEMATOCRIT=49.4 (39.2-48.8) HIGH
MCV=31.8 (27.5-33.1)
MCHC=34.4 (32.1-36.1)
RDW%=12.8 (11.5-14.3)
PLATELETS=329 (131-340)
MPV=10.6 (8.7-12.7)
That's it folks!!
Well, how pathetic to say the least at her lack of improper testing on that all important 3 month follow up after starting TRT.
I asked her what about free T, bio-available T and of course the E2 test along with countless others. Her response was "Since your baseline E2 levels, and others were good, there was no need to check again" Can you believe that?? How ignorant. Sure pre-TRT estradiol levels were o.k. but dosen't the introduction of exogenous T cause all that to change and then some? Especially if I was following her doom and gloom of twice monthly shots? Of course it does!! She was clueless and after I salvo-ed my endless questions, I could easily see a blushing to her face along with her staring into her tablet actually looking at nothing. She was patience and tolerant of my questions, stack of print outs, research information, etc and actually seemed impressed but still unmoved. Can't fault her to much. VERY young Doctor who basically is just following her routine in regards to TRT. I explained my protocol to her and after a moment of panic on her part, she admitted that that sounded to be the best way to administer IM testosterone. She didn't believe the small insulin syringe would do the trick and she wanted me to come back on shot day to show her, which I did. Needless to say, she was surprised and perhaps I got her wheels turning to do her own research so she could try a different approach with any luck for the rest of her TRT patients.
So test numbers are not bad @ 42 mgs E3D IM. Need to donate some blood of course. I told her I would like to try to get them in the mid 700 range at trough (according to this particular test and range which actually is LC/MS). She said to go for it and I informed her of my intended change starting now @ 52mgs E3D IM. Of course E2 levels will rise some then stabilize but I will give it a go and test in 6 weeks. (FULL PANEL!!!) After those results come in, been thinking about ED injections. Protocol seems sound on every level with steady TEST and E2 levels to boot...
Thanks all...
Testosterone total=631ng/dl (241-827)
(That is ALL she ran for hormones!! RIDICULOUS)
WBC=8.8 (3.7-10.4)
RBC=5.34 (4.35-5.56)
HEMOGLOBIN=17.0 (13.2-16.8) HIGH
HEMATOCRIT=49.4 (39.2-48.8) HIGH
MCV=31.8 (27.5-33.1)
MCHC=34.4 (32.1-36.1)
RDW%=12.8 (11.5-14.3)
PLATELETS=329 (131-340)
MPV=10.6 (8.7-12.7)
That's it folks!!
Well, how pathetic to say the least at her lack of improper testing on that all important 3 month follow up after starting TRT.
I asked her what about free T, bio-available T and of course the E2 test along with countless others. Her response was "Since your baseline E2 levels, and others were good, there was no need to check again" Can you believe that?? How ignorant. Sure pre-TRT estradiol levels were o.k. but dosen't the introduction of exogenous T cause all that to change and then some? Especially if I was following her doom and gloom of twice monthly shots? Of course it does!! She was clueless and after I salvo-ed my endless questions, I could easily see a blushing to her face along with her staring into her tablet actually looking at nothing. She was patience and tolerant of my questions, stack of print outs, research information, etc and actually seemed impressed but still unmoved. Can't fault her to much. VERY young Doctor who basically is just following her routine in regards to TRT. I explained my protocol to her and after a moment of panic on her part, she admitted that that sounded to be the best way to administer IM testosterone. She didn't believe the small insulin syringe would do the trick and she wanted me to come back on shot day to show her, which I did. Needless to say, she was surprised and perhaps I got her wheels turning to do her own research so she could try a different approach with any luck for the rest of her TRT patients.
So test numbers are not bad @ 42 mgs E3D IM. Need to donate some blood of course. I told her I would like to try to get them in the mid 700 range at trough (according to this particular test and range which actually is LC/MS). She said to go for it and I informed her of my intended change starting now @ 52mgs E3D IM. Of course E2 levels will rise some then stabilize but I will give it a go and test in 6 weeks. (FULL PANEL!!!) After those results come in, been thinking about ED injections. Protocol seems sound on every level with steady TEST and E2 levels to boot...
Thanks all...