49yo started trt. I just got back my 1st labs (8 wks) and the numbers are puzzling. High estrogen and hematocrit, but trough TT and free T are really low. Labs were drawn day before injection
Protocol: 60mg T cyp twice per week, subQ ; hCG 250iu twice per week
Testosterone, total (ng/dl) 175 (ref 250-1100) originally 519
testosterone, free (pg/ml) 23.6 (ref 46-224) originally 51
estradiol (pg/ml) 93 (ref <39) originally 23
hematocrit 51.5% (ref 38.5-50) originally 44
The E2 and hct suggest more than enough peak T in my system, but I'm very confused why my trough levels are so low. Does anyone have experience with this? Subjectively the 1st month on T was great but quickly declined during the 2nd month. Also could the hCG be responsible for the elevated E2?
Protocol: 60mg T cyp twice per week, subQ ; hCG 250iu twice per week
Testosterone, total (ng/dl) 175 (ref 250-1100) originally 519
testosterone, free (pg/ml) 23.6 (ref 46-224) originally 51
estradiol (pg/ml) 93 (ref <39) originally 23
hematocrit 51.5% (ref 38.5-50) originally 44
The E2 and hct suggest more than enough peak T in my system, but I'm very confused why my trough levels are so low. Does anyone have experience with this? Subjectively the 1st month on T was great but quickly declined during the 2nd month. Also could the hCG be responsible for the elevated E2?