1st ketamine treatment for depression

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Good luck....
I am interested in how you do.
I have read a few articles on it, and based on the ones I have read it appears to be quite effective.....
1st treatment went well. About an 1 hr 20min. total. 30mg per kg body wieght. Good experience. Fasted, ear plugs, face mask. Still early to tell. Little tipsy yet about hour later.
I have ready calming music is the way to go. The clinic I was at had a noise machine with calming sounds and white noise. I wanted to try to completely isolate my surroundings. I used the eye mask that nelson had suggested in another thread. it worked great.
The feeling kind of comes on slow and hits you in waves. I kind of felt like I left my body for a bit. I had a digital voice recorder on next to me to record any thoughts I might have. Nothing on the recording though. I don't think I moved an inch the entire time. My Doctor says some of her patients say nothing, some talk constantly, some cry. I never said a word.
I tried to concentrate on breathing and kept the mantra "give in and let go" repeat in my mind. There was a blood pressure sleeve on my that measured my levels every 10-15 min. As the cuff tightened it would momentarily bring me back to the present. I hope to focus more on recording how I feel during it in future treatments. For the first one I just wanted to relax and experience it. I do think fasting helped, but I pretty wobbly afterwards.

Next treatment tomorrow!
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How many treatments?
Insurance cover the treatments?
What kind of DR?
Hope you don't take offence at my questions but am interested in this cutting edge medical procedure, for lack of a better word:)
Cash based
Insurance may cover, probably not for me. Doc works full time in intensive care unit at local hospital, does this as side gig.
Consult - $100
IV infusion -$425
Intial cycle of 6 treatments in 2 -3 week span. Driver needed for after treatment.

Boosters needed every so often. Varies by individual, some monthly some more like quarterly according to this doctor. Obviously not cheap, hoping for more like quarterly, otherwise i probably will not be able to sustain. If works at least i will know it is brain chemistry causing some issues and know where to concentrate resources in the future. Doing what ever i can to avoid conventional pharmacology
Thanks for your reply and info!
I did do a search for "ketamine" here and saw that Nelson did a post a few weeks back.
How did I miss that.
Must have been asleep:)
Will read his post tonight.
Thanks again for sharing....
This has been a year of exploring mind-related therapies for me now that I am approaching 60 years of age.

I have done 3 physician-supervised ketamine IVs and they really helped. Amazing experience of detaching your mind from your ego for an hour. You can go through feelings and decisions about current issues a lot more easily once you remove your chatting ego as you attain a deep level of relaxation and feel like you are floating in the Universe (Yes, I know I sound like a New Age crazy guy). The effects stay with you for a month or so. Some thoughts stay with you forever. I really came out of it with this deep sense of gratitude about all the love I have in my life. All other issues seem meaningless after that.

If you can afford it, I recommend ketamine IV highly. Just remember that most K IV clinics are part of clinical studies and you have to be depressed on paper. I suggest one at baseline, then the second one two weeks later and then wait for a month to do a third. I may do one in 6 months but I no longer feel I really need it. My mind has stayed pretty clear of negative chatter since my last IV. I highly recommend your having someone close to you to pick you up after each session since you will want to try to verbalize what you experienced (not easy to do). I once took an Uber and kind of regretted it. I also recommend having good calm music and never to open your eyes through the experience. You can check my Spotify account for a Ketamine Chant Playlist.

I also have experienced other therapies as part of my exploration in the past 6 months. I have spent over 30 years taking care of my physical self and have done a so-so job at my mental health. This definitely accelerates the self-discovery and clarity seeking process for me.

I have also had great experiences with psilocybin and peyote. I am thinking about writing a book about my inner-self work but I wonder if people would read it.

This is a booming area of psychiatry as more data comes from different medical schools. I highly recommend reading the posts in the following thread:

Psychedelic drugs could treat depression and other mental illnesses

I created an FB group called Inner Seekers for anyone who wants to join. I tend to keep this topic off ExcelMale but I think it will become a more accepted topic in the future of men's health. Many men are so wound up. And for many of us, weekly therapy sessions have not produced the results we seek. I am happy to see the stigma related to psychedelic therapy decreasing in this country after that area was shut down by the government in the 70's when they were afraid that no one wanted to enlist to go to war.

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I am thinking about writing a book about my inner-self work but I wonder if people would read it.

I would read it! Rumination is the big issue for me. I hope to break that cycle and once I can start more clear, I can do the day to day things to keep me mentally healthy on my own.

Nelson is correct, I forgot to add to earlier reply, You DO need to have been diagnosed with depression/mental health issue from another doctor. At least that was the case in my clinic. I believe there are some clinics that are run by physiologists/psychiatrists that can provide that diagnosis and help with talk therapies.

Nelson/Moderators - Perhaps we can make a specific folder for mental health in the future, should the topic become more popular on this forum?
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2nd treatment today.

45mg/kg over 50 minutes this time. Bumped it up some from last. Definitely more intense but not in a bad way. I do feel like I recovered fast this time following completion. next treatment on Monday. So far I have been feeling better. We will see how this weekend goes.
Third treatment today went well. They upped my dose again. 55 mg/kg with 5 mg push to start things off. I definitely felt the push. I really felt like my ego dissolved this time. I am not sure how to explain it.

I have noticed with the increase comes more tiredness afterwards, but I do seem to come out of it faster.

So far my mood has increased and I don't ruminate as much. Looking forward to finishing intervals. Hopefully if the results continue they will last a while. I wouldn't be able to continue unless I can spread out the expense.

I hope you have a chance to talk to someone right after each session. Yes, cost is a huge problem. I think I will do mine every two months now.
I have an 8 year old granddaughter, who is very intelligent. Top percent for her age group in math and comprehension. She suffers from many mental issues, ADHD, anxiety and anger issues. She does go to school full-time and see his psychologist regularly. I wonder if ketamine treatment would help her. I have a call in at our local Clinic, waiting for them to call me back.
I have an 8 year old granddaughter, who is very intelligent. Top percent for her age group in math and comprehension. She suffers from many mental issues, ADHD, anxiety and anger issues. She does go to school full-time and see his psychologist regularly. I wonder if ketamine treatment would help her. I have a call in at our local Clinic, waiting for them to call me back.

I doubt that they will allow it for pediatrics, but there is only one way to find out.

You may want to check this course:
I had my 4th treatment yesterday. Increase in dose. 60 mg/kg of body weight. still a 5 mg bump in the beginning. I fasted this time. Fasting seems to help for some reason. this treatment seemed less intense then previous dose, but better. It also seemed to go by faster. I feel like I float to the ceiling and even perceive colors even though it is pitch black. At one point I didn't know what was real. Disassociation can be a little terrifying at first. All in all seems to be helping mood in general. I have not noticed much increase in passion or motivation in my life. This is a big problem that I hope will get better as I go.

Still pretty much worthless for the rest of the day, Especially my balance. Slept Like a baby though. I don't really have anyone to talk to afterwards unfortunately. That is something I really need to do in my life in general to keep me healthy in the future in general. My wife has been very supportive of anything I want to try to help with depression, but she is quite closed off emotionally. I know that is something that needs to be worked on. One thing at a time, I guess.
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I had my 4th treatment yesterday. Increase in dose. 60 mg/kg of body weight. still a 5 mg bump in the beginning. I fasted this time. Fasting seems to help for some reason. this treatment seemed less intense then previous dose, but better. It also seemed to go by faster. I feel like I float to the ceiling and even perceive colors even though it is pitch black. At one point I didn't know what was real. Disassociation can be a little terrifying at first. All in all seems to be helping mood in general. I have not noticed much increase in passion or motivation in my life. This is a big problem that I hope will get better as I go.

Still pretty much worthless for the rest of the day, Especially my balance. Slept Like a baby though. I don't really have anyone to talk to afterwards unfortunately. That is something I really need to do in my life in general to keep me healthy in the future in general. My wife has been very supportive of anything I want to try to help with depression, but she is quite closed off emotionally. I know that is something that needs to be worked on. One thing at a time, I guess.

Look into a good psychotherapist, probably a male with an open mind on this kind of alternative treatment. Meds alone, even ketamine, are seldom the answer to depression.
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