shbg study

  1. E

    Bigger fluctuation for low shbg?

    So we've all heard low shbg people go through testosterone faster hence they need to inject more often. Imagine two people, low shbg and high shbg, inject once every 5 days Does that mean low shbg guy sees a noticably higher drop in levels than high shbg by the 5th day? Has anyone actually...
  2. V

    Enclomiphene vs Natesto and SHBG

    I have high shbg, around 55-60. When I take Cialis or Sildenafil, I'm usually back to zero libido the morning after, so estradiol is low. Today I successfully received a script for Natesto, and the doctor noted I should have a thyroid ultrasound done, as he felt something by feeling my neck...
  3. E

    Some Solid SHBG Science

    Its good to see some research that goes beyond the bro science. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: New Science Questions Old Beliefs I have super low SHBG (averages around 10) and TRT has been a fail for me in any sense of feeling better than pre-TRT. Feels like I am interjecting water at any...
  4. C

    Does SHBG affect the apparent half-lives of testosterone esters?

    The relative level of SHBG has a pronounced effect on serum levels of testosterone delivered via TRT. This is through the influence of SHBG on the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone. But as far as I can tell the effect on the apparent half-lives of testosterone esters is subtle at best. Is...
  5. madman

    Cross-sectional and longitudinal determinents of SHBG in a cohort of community- dwelling men Conclusion: - our study has confirmed an age-related rise in circulating SHBG in men, beginning from middle-age - beyond this gradual increase, reduced SHBG levels largely reflects obesity...