low dose testosterone

  1. J

    1100 total T from 14 mg Cypionate subQ EOD

    Hello all, Has anyone seen such a high T from such a low dose of Cypionate?: 7 units (14 mg), EOD, subQ (50 mg/wk) Measured twice, a month apart. @ QUEST labs: Total T: 1100 Free T: 195 (max 155) DHT: 210 (max 65) PSA: 3.9 Hemoglobin: 17 Hematocrit: 50
  2. O

    Lowering dose - Bloodwork on 80mg/wk test + 500iu HCG

    Got some bloodwork done for my current trt protocol 80mg of test c or e a week split into two doses 500iu of hcg a week split into two doses Injected twice a week on the same day (mon/thurs). TT: 23.4 nmol/L (675ng/dl) FT: 840 pmol/L (0.84nmol/l, ~24ng/dl) - HIGH E2: 175 pmol/L (canadian...
  3. B

    I am extremely sensitive to Testosterone Cypionate.... Low dose?

    I tried TRT 5 years ago. The doctor started me at 200mg a week of Test Cyp. One shot. Well I was overwhelmed with anxiety and my estrogen crashed. He started me on Arimidex which made my bones hurt like hell. So I stopped. I raised my T levels enough to survive naturally but then Covid killed...
  4. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    I'm close to giving up. In my continued quest to get "dialed in" over my 4+ years on TRT, I'm finally down to few final options before I throw in the towel Through trial and error over time I've found that HCG, AI, and other supplements that docs have put me on make me feel horrible, and...
  5. mooseman109

    low dose test is working

    I just raised my Test Cyp dose from 10 mg/ day to 12 mg/day back in late December, so 84 mg per week. I am test cyp only. I was running total T in mid 600 rannge and free T in 16-18. Labs came back today at total T 929, (264-916) Free T 20.0 (7.2-24) E2 25.2 (8.0-35). While it was a 20%...