
  1. R

    Injecting HCG (Pregnyl) In The Bicep & Needle Length

    Hi Everybody :) waaay back in 2016 (i think...thats when I created my account), I read a post from Nelson recommending injecting HCG into the Bicept. I just wanted to see if this was still a recommended approach for a guy with my body type. I am pretty lean and pretty muscular (5'10" / 170...
  2. W

    Efficacy of same site injections

    Building up scar tissue doing: 25 gauge x 1" needle glutes, alternating 2x per week So I switched to: 27 gauge 1/2" needle delts, thighs, alternating 2x per week Do you think TRT efficacy will increase by not injecting into the same spot all of the time (scar tissue)? Please don't respond...
  3. D

    Injecting 2x a week vs 3x a week vs EOD

    I have been injecting 60mg every 3.5 days for 7 months now. Results are good, but having some minor HCT, Estrogen, and emotional/energy fluctuation issues. Although I can’t pin point them to my injection schedule, I am considering going to 3x a week or Even EOD injections. I travel for a...
  4. C

    Any advice appreciated, new member

    Hey folks I’m a new member and completely new to the idea of testosterone injections. A friend of mine has been doing injections for a year or so and has changed noticeably in terms of weight and muscle mass. I have not been diagnosed as low T but he has been telling me I should try it to help...
  5. J

    Testosterone Leaking Out

    Good Morning All, I have been on TRT for about 4 weeks now. Everyday I feel better. However, when I inject my test c .25 ml every other day some of the test leaks out. When I inject in my glute it is fine but, if i inject in my shoulder I get quite a bit of leakage. I have tried leaving the...
  6. L

    Subcutaneous Vs Intramuscular injections

    My current Dr has me Intramuscular injecting Test Cyp 140 mg 2X per week and 500 IU's HCG twice a week. I just started TRT so I am new and am quickly realizing I need to find a different Dr. But is this ok to do for a while until I get a new Dr? I've researched that all of this can be done...
  7. P

    Daily dosing my HCG similar to my test?

    I found I felt my best when I broke my 200mg of test/week into smaller injections. I currently take 700iu of HCG x 3/week in attempts to restart and conceive a child. I noticed HCG has spiked my estrogen more so than the test ever. Short of having to stick myself a shit load more, is there any...
  8. S

    anyone inject in pecs ? if so what size needle …..

    curious , I have a large muscular chest , thinking would be a good spot . are there many blood vesles etc ??
  9. S

    For newbs to trt from a newb …..

    Been injecting 40mg test E 250mg/ml 3 times a week with a 29g 1/2 insulin syringe getting pip and slight bruising everytime in stomach and love handles roatating , nothing terrible but annoying . So recently just upped my dose to 50 mgs every 3 days and today injected with a 25g 5/8 slip tip in...
  10. R

    Using same location over and over?

    I am new to injections. Been rotating 6 spots (left and right) on my body (shoulder, quad, glutes). I like the shoulders best. Been using 25G 5/8 in for that location and 1 inch for the other locations. Is there any issue with injections 3x a week just using and rotating shoulders? Any...
  11. G

    Messed up not listening to the doctor

    Im pretty new to TRT, been on cypionate for about 2 weeks now. My doctor prescribed me .5 ml a week. I took the 1 ml a week and felt shitty, and now Im seeing why. My body wasnt use to that, and thats a huge dose. Ive read some guys stay on .5 ml and get decent T levels. Should have never rushed...
  12. P

    Test Cyp Injection Method Impacting T Levels?

    For just over 2 years I injected IM with a 25g 1" needle into my glutes...E3D 80mg. I was doing good as far a my levels and such. My wife did the injection 85% of the time and I found it hard to twist around (herniated disc in lower back) to do the injection myself, so I made a switch right at...
  13. L

    How to inject Testosterone Cypionate

    Hey guys. I've been taking 200mg/ml of Testosterone Cypionate for just about a month now. So far I've given myself 4 total injections, 2 in butt muscle, and the following 2 in thigh. Once in each location, when I removed the needle, a lot of blood came following. Im guessing this is because I...
  14. T

    Forgot to sterilise top of Hcg Vial - contaminated?

    I forgot to sterilise the top of an Hcg vial with an alcohol swab before drawing a dose with a syringe. I discarded the syringe/dose I drew - but I'm concerned I've contaminated the rest of the vial. The Hcg has only been mixed and open for a week - and stored in a clean empty fridge since...
  15. T

