yes, I am aware that his CA license was cancelled. which means he probably spoke too much truth.
regardless, it appears that the blood velocity entering the heart equals the velocity of blood exiting the heart. the analogy he gives that you never put a pump into a flowing river to pump it with...
A PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) is a diagnostic test used in cardiology to check blood flow to the heart. During the test, a small amount of radioactive tracer is injected into a vein, which is not a dye or contrast. A special camera called a PET scanner detects the radiation released...
Expected discouragement has set in after getting my CAC score update.
Everything I could think of in my power to shunt my last CAC test in the opposite direction has apparently failed when I saw that my score has essentially tripled in the last three years.
Something has gone askew, against what...
Is prescription fish oil containing EPA/DHA really that bad? I had a heart scan (CAC) and came back high at 850. Doc wants me on Lisinopril and Atorvastatin my latest blood work shows Total Cholesterol 213, Triglycerides 98, LDL 157, HDL 35, glucose 90. I weigh 184 lbs. 5'10 at 57 years old. My...
Just a quick overview. I have been on TRT since 2013 and I have felt great on it. I have been on 28 mg Test EOD and 200 IU of HCG EOD. I am currently 40 y/o 6'2" 205 lbs. My last labs these are my levels
Testosterone,Free and Total: 802 ng/dl (264-916)
Free Testosterone(Direct): 21.6 pg/dl...
Previous studies had suggested that being physically fit could mitigate the negative effects of being overweight on heart health, but this is not the case, according to a new study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), published...
Physical activity is not only associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but there is no threshold for that association, with the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease seen for those who are most active, according to a new study.
Research has shown that there is an inverse...
Hi, I'm just over 4 weeks into my treatment. 37yr old and treatment is 125ml Sustanon e5d. On Sunday 20th September (3 weeks in) I felt a lot hotter and almost giddy. I checked my BP and heart rate, bp was good but Rhr was in the 90s. I've been tracking it since, even bought a fit bit. My heart...
Here at Excelmale there are frequent posts discussing the pros and cons of statins, and one in particular several weeks ago where a position paper was cited where the assumption was that statins are not only a viable option but should be the first line of defense against heart disease. As I have...
Any advice on a prolonged elevated resting heart rate?
When I say prolonged, I'm referring to, it's been elevated for years (at least 4+). My resting heart rate when checked is in the 90s and often above 100.
I don't have any issues that I notice from an elevated heart rate. I do know from...