free test high

  1. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    I just got my blood results back. I have been lowering my testosterone dose significantly over time, as I was experiencing many side effects on higher doses, which I thought may have been in part due to the high T:E2 ratio (seemed it didn't rise proportionally). I'm running 70mg of test cyp per...
  2. G

    High Free Test — Change Protocol??

    Hi everyone - relatively new to TRT. About 3 months. This is my first labs since starting. Paid for on my own so not comprehensive, but has Estradiol, Testosterone, Free T, and SHBG. I feel ok, not great. Definitely better than pre TRT I would say, but not optimal. I’d say major issues are some...
  3. A

    Any idea what might be pushing free testosterone and estrogen up?

    Got my latest blood test in. For whatever reason, at the same dose as my other blood tests (20mg testosterone and 100iu hcg daily subq), my total testosterone is actually dropping (1024 from 1200) and my free testosterone and presumably estrogen are rising (340 from 304 on free t). Doc forgot my...
  4. Severiano Fernandez

    HELP PLEASE. Why is my pregnenolone so low, test is low, but DHEA and Free test through the roof.

    CAN SOMEONE HELP ME MAKE SENSE OUT OF THIS Why is my pregnenolone so low, test is low, but DHEA and Free test through the roof. I'm not doing any steroids or TRT I workout 5 days a week 45 200 pnds LAB TEST RESULTS : SHBG 35 TESTOSTERONE SERUM 435 FREE TESTOSTERONE 54.4 HIGH DHEA...