bioavailable testosterone

  1. G

    Increased Dose / Switched to Daily Injections

    Hi there. Looking for some feedback here on my dosing. I was previously doing about 60/65 mg per week of cyp M/W/F (3 times per week) — no Ai (rarely I’ll take a small sliver) and no HCG. I had some blood work done and numbers were ok. This was through my PCP, he didn’t test for Estradiol...
  2. Sergel

    Super high bio available test...

    Just went to the doc for my annual... I am on trt for one year, my protocol is 120mg per week... was prescribed twice a week injection (enanthate... Delatestryl) ... All is well, did me a ton of good... however... I did adjust my protocol to EOD a few months back... simply split my dose in 2...
  3. B

    "free equivalent" of varying testosterone esters? bioavailbilty

    I cant find info online or if the info from my book is correct. Basically when we take X amount inject able testosterone our bodies only uses X amount as bio-available? I.E from the "definitive TRT manual" 100mg Injectable Propionate yields 83mg 100mg Injectable enanthate yields 72mg...
  4. S

    Is Bioavailable another word for Free Testosterone?

    I have been on T for almost 10 years and I know about free and total T, but for the first time a new doc tested bio-available T. I always though bio-available was another word for free T. My numbers are: Total 799 Free 196 Bioavailable 511 All 3 are flagged as high by the lab. So what's the...
  5. B

    On TRT Endo worried about "Skyhigh Bioavailable Testosterone)

    So everything in my blood panels look great, I'm on 100 mg a week of test cypionate split into two doses .50 each a week. E2 lc/ms is 23, Total T he also ran as Lc/ms and its 589, Free T was 27 shbg was 24. He told me today he wants to cut my dose to .75 a week because my bioavailable...
  6. B

    Which Research Publicatons to Bring?

    Hi all, I’m in the process of scheduling a consultation with Defy but also wanted to visit a Urologist in-person for a consultation to discuss TRT and some post vasectomy pain. I have an upcoming appointment with Dr. Melograna from MidAtlantic Urology. Other members have posted about him on...
  7. A

    lower SBHG with Proviron

    The all knowing FDA does not approve of human use. You cannot have it prescribed. I have crazy high SHBG that was stealing most of my free T even on heavy handed TRT. You'll have to do your own homework to find a source that is reliable.
  8. R

    Bioavailable Testosterone Test

    Hi Guys I am getting ready to request that my doctor order additional blood tests and was wondering if I have a Bioavailable Testosterone test done, is the Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone still required. My doctor said the Bioavailable tells the whole picture and takes into account...