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  1. K.pietera

    Deca in shoulder inject

    Hi there , I have a short question , is it safe / possible to inject deca in the deltoid muscle ?
  2. K.pietera

    Iron overload

    Hi there , So my blood results came back and you can see them in the attachment. As you all can see my serum iron levels are way to high also my ferritin is to much. I tought it was strange because I don't consume red meat that often...( 2 times a week) But I think I have found an awnser...
  3. K.pietera

    Lump on right testicle

    Hi my friends I am using ovitrelle 6500iu pen for 5 weeks right now for fertillity. The doc here in Belgium prescribed me the whole pen 2 x a week 3500iu. I'm also on 100mg test trough transcrotal appl. The issue I have found recently is that since 4 dans ago I discovered a small lump...
  4. K.pietera

    how to get my wife pregnant

    Hi friends , I am on TRT for 4+years now. Transcrotal cream 100MG testosterone a day.` ( 30 years old right now ) 2years ago my wife and I wanted to get pregnant so I did a sperm test and it came out I was azospermic .. Now I started a protocol of HCG 6500iu split in 2x 3250iu. The doc told me...
  5. K.pietera

    Trouble staying asleep

    Hi there , I have a hard time sleeping for as long as I remember but it worsened since I quit smoking weed. I've smoked weed on and off since I was 17 untill 25 ( I am now 30 ) I stopped because I got nasty panic attacks at the end and I've changed my life for the better ! Now I am suffering...
  6. K.pietera

    Expired date testosterone cream

    Hello , I am searching the web for info about whether or kot testosterone cream can really expire but I can't seem any info about it can you guys tell me a little bit more about that ? I am on a 20% transcrotal testosterone cream mysellf and I was wondering if the expiration date is really...
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