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  1. G

    Only need one or two more small tweaks. Looking for suggestions

    Last dose (everything e3.5 days) Test: 66mg Hcg: 120 is Adex: .25mg Bloods at trough: Total: 1125 Free: 25 E2 sensitive: 17 I did not feel good on this protocol. Energy was low, and I get a weird dry mouth side effect from adex that I hate. I also had no libido. I was on this protocol...
  2. G

    Fatigue on shot day

    So I recently upped my dosage, about 2 -2.5 weeks ago. I've posted before, but was on this protocol for 2 months, plan was to take everything back to a starting point and slowly work our way up with dose increase like I should have done in the beginning. I felt shitty on the 50mg. Not as bad as...
  3. G

    Estrogen still too high on IM

    old protocol: 56mg text cyp e3.5 days subq 250iu hcg e3.5 days subq was on arimidex .25 for last 3 weeks on this protocol new protocol: 50mg test cyp IM e3.5 days 250iu hcg day before test injection no arimidex So I've posted before about how I felt like I was riding an estrogen...
  4. G

    How do I test trough?

    So on 02/16/17 I switched from test cyp 56mg e3.5 days subq, arimidex e3.5 days, to 50mg test cyp E3.5 days IM with no AI(mon morning, thursday night injections). I also switched from taking 250iu HCG on injection days to taking 250iu HCG day before injection(wed and sun). After next monday it...
  5. G

    Timing of HCG

    So after talking with my doctor she is ok with dropping test down to 50mg e3.5 days, switching to IM, and getting rid of arimidex. Also starting some liver support to hopefully bring down ALT. She wants me to start taking my hcg the day before my testosterone. So test would be monday morning...
  6. G

    Need help with protocol. Can't get dialed in.

    I have now been on TRT for 16 weeks. I've had quite a few ups and downs, and now cant seem to get on the right protocol. Current protocol: 54mg test cyp e3.5 days Subq 250 IU hcg e3.5 days .25 Arimidex e3.5 days Latest Labs : 02/06/2017 (test was 56mg e3,5 for these labs) Total Test 741 (...
  7. G

    Help with arimidex dosing

    Protocol 56mg test cyp e3.5 days hcg 250iu e3.5days total test 934 (200-1100) Free test 179 (35-155) Sensitive e2 60 (8-35) After latest e2 reading my doc has prescribed me arimidex .5 mg e3.5 days with my injections. Is that a sensible starting dose or should i go with .25mg? I had low e2...
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