My vitamin D requirements have doubled as I improved my health, lowered my A1C and lost weight, why is that the case?

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Well, I started having symptoms in early November and had recently switched to vitamin D drops off Amazon, tested vitamin D which was at 17. I suspected the drops were a fake product, bought the reputable brand I used with success for more than a year.

I tested vitamin D days ago, after a month on vitamin D at 600 IU. The results are unchanged, vitamin D value at 17!?

I've lost weight, gained muscle, improved my type 2 diabetes and my vitamin D levels plummets into a deficiency.

600 IU D3 used to get me a vitamin D level at 28, for more than a year and now I get 17 at the same dosage. For reference, I can't handle any vitamin D level 28> without severe nausea, fatigue, dehydration, bone pain and hearing loss.


A relevant thread.
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Some ideas...there are apparently some types of low-level infections that use the Vitamin D receptor to enter the cell, and increasing Vitamin D levels will make things worse in those people because the infection "rides" on the Vitamin D. Dr. Michael Ruscio did a podcast episode on this topic some years ago, so you might want to consult with a holistic Doc that is knowledgeable in such things. Also, getting your Vitamin D from sun exposure would be something else to try since the body can apparently self-regulate for what it wants in that scenario. Finally, if you're not taking you D with Vitamins A, E and K2, they are apparently necessary co-factors for it to be handled properly.
Some ideas...there are apparently some types of low-level infections that use the Vitamin D receptor to enter the cell, and increasing Vitamin D levels will make things worse in those people because the infection "rides" on the Vitamin D. Dr. Michael Ruscio did a podcast episode on this topic some years ago, so you might want to consult with a holistic Doc that is knowledgeable in such things. Also, getting your Vitamin D from sun exposure would be something else to try since the body can apparently self-regulate for what it wants in that scenario. Finally, if you're not taking you D with Vitamins A, E and K2, they are apparently necessary co-factors for it to be handled properly.
So it wouldn't be from a faster metabolism, working out 7 days per week 1-2 hours and muscle mass increases?

I can't touch any of those vitamin supplements list above, massive oversensitivity.
.there are apparently some types of low-level infections
Excessive iron can cause inflammation, currently dealing with over supplementation of iron since absorbing iron is proving difficult from low vitamin D. I have gum inflammation from taking the iron.
So it wouldn't be from a faster metabolism, working out 7 days per week 1-2 hours and muscle mass increases?

I can't touch any of those vitamin supplements list above, massive oversensitivity.

Excessive iron can cause inflammation, currently dealing with over supplementation of iron since absorbing iron is proving difficult from low vitamin D. I have gum inflammation from taking the iron.
It sounds like you have some sort of (possibly genetic) anomaly going on. You sound like an ideal candidate for a paid consultation with Chris Masterjohn who specializes in exactly that sort of thing ( ) and dealt with some similar issues himself. He is one of the true big-brains in the nutrition and personalized medicine space, and trying to guess or seek guidance from non-specialists (or mainstream medicine) is unlikely to solve your problem.
Some ideas...there are apparently some types of low-level infections that use the Vitamin D receptor to enter the cell, and increasing Vitamin D levels will make things worse in those people because the infection "rides" on the Vitamin D. Dr. Michael Ruscio did a podcast episode on this topic some years ago, so you might want to consult with a holistic Doc that is knowledgeable in such things. Also, getting your Vitamin D from sun exposure would be something else to try since the body can apparently self-regulate for what it wants in that scenario. Finally, if you're not taking you D with Vitamins A, E and K2, they are apparently necessary co-factors for it to be handled properly.
I’m on the carnivore diet and my cholesterol markers are all sky high and therefore my lipid metabolism is significantly altered.

What about the bioavailable portion of vitamin D being affected by lipid metabolism?

Could the bioavailable portion of vitamin D be attaching itself to proteins that go to the liver to be discarded?
I had over supplemented iron for months. I just found out that too much iron can cause secondary iron overload conditions which may disturb the 25-hepatic hydroxylation and synthesis of Vit D, causing Vit D deficiency.
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I donated blood today at the red cross, with a few hours I'm starting to feel the effects of vitamin D again. It was like a surge of feeling good, similar to a TRT honeymoon.

When I was taking 7 mg Cialis, the hot flashes were unbearable, 5 mg the hot flashes are less intense but still present.

Cialis does require an iron pathway to work and even has iron oxide as an ingredient.

Cialis indirectly causing a vitamin D deficiency is another reason why Cialis may stop working!
Several hours later now the honeymoon is gone and I feel like vitamin D is too high. Been taking 1200 IU D3, which we some know full well is too much if you've followed my past threads of vitamin D.

I went from what felt like a deficiency, to optimal vitamin D to what feels like too much vitamin D, all in one day, lol!
I have never felt anything from taking vit D, is it something you feel acutely or once levels have built up? What are the most common things one should feel from taking it, or taking too much?
I have never felt anything from taking vit D, is it something you feel acutely or once levels have built up? What are the most common things one should feel from taking it, or taking too much?
Wellbeing, libido, better erections, more energy and strength in the gym. If it's too much, low energy, feeling unwell, nausea, bone pain and headaches.
I donated blood today at the red cross, with a few hours I'm starting to feel the effects of vitamin D again. It was like a surge of feeling good, similar to a TRT honeymoon.

When I was taking 7 mg Cialis, the hot flashes were unbearable, 5 mg the hot flashes are less intense but still present.

Cialis does require an iron pathway to work and even has iron oxide as an ingredient.

Cialis indirectly causing a vitamin D deficiency is another reason why Cialis may stop working!

I know ur huge on keeping ur ferritin levels up. Are u concerned at all about the blood donation decreasing ur ferritin levels?
I know ur huge on keeping ur ferritin levels up. Are u concerned at all about the blood donation decreasing ur ferritin levels?
I felt better after the blood donation, I had more energy the entire day. Then I stopped the Cialis because of the side effects that completely disappeared and felt amazing for one day, then the all too familiar symptoms of the beta blocker returned, which is out of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, and muscle weakness.

My previous ferritin level was 222, so I doubt one donation is going to drop my ferritin levels low.
I felt better after the blood donation, I had more energy the entire day. Then I stopped the Cialis because of the side effects that completely disappeared and felt amazing for one day, then the all too familiar symptoms of the beta blocker returned, which is out of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, and muscle weakness.

My previous ferritin level was 222, so I doubt one donation is going to drop my ferritin levels low.

Oh wow, I know u like to keep ur ferritin above like 75-80, so 222 is obv WAY above that. So one donation will probably still have u in the high 100’s.

There’s no denying that too low levels of iron are not good, and iron overload is horrible for the body as well, so obv there’s a point where having too high of a ferritin level isn’t good. Any idea where that point may be? Over 200 sounds kind of high to me. Not sure if that’s even good to have a ferritin level that high

I’m scheduled to donate blood in a week myself. Definitely think my iron levels are on the higher side
Wow, after stopping the iron supplements yesterday, I can't even handle vitamin D at 400 IU without feeling nauseous, popping clicking joints, bone pain and feeling high! The iron supplements which I never really needed, caused secondary iron overload and prevented my body from properly synthesizing vitamin D which required supplementation.

Now after that I have stopped all iron supplements the last two days, I can't handle any amount of vitamin D supplements.

The reason why I believe TRT made me deficient in iron in the first place, I didn't start having problems with iron/ferritin until I went on an every other day and daily injections, which is what dragged my ferritin levels down so fast and had all of those horrible side effects that I've detailed in my countless threads!

When on a 1-2 times weekly injection protocol, I didn't have any issues with iron/ferritin. I just didn't respond to TRT on those protocols.

It feels as if my vitamin D levels are rising, making supplementation completely unnecessary and if anything, problematic.

I’ll bet the iron and vitamin D supplements, which I didn’t need, are the reason for my erectile dysfunction problems, then requiring Cialis to treat.
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Well that honeymoon didn't last long! This morning I woke up to familiar symptoms of low vitamin D, took 500 IU and bone pain in lower legs and IBS is reversing. Yesterday when I took 400 IU, at first it felt like too much, most of the day I felt perfect, then declined in the evening and woke up with symptoms.

Now I feel the same set of symptoms I get if I lower my vitamin D dose and start taking iron supplements. This could only mean one thing, my iron/ferritin levels are still too high and taking a normal adult dose of D3 somehow affects my iron homeostasis to where it increases iron uptake, then causing the symptoms of too much iron.

I mean I only stopped my iron supplements a few days ago, so I don't expect miracles right away. I think once my iron/ferritin settle at the new baseline level, I will be able to handle more vitamin D without issue.
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Well that honeymoon didn't last long! This morning I woke up to familiar symptoms of low vitamin D, took 500 IU and bone pain in lower legs and IBS is reversing. Yesterday when I took 400 IU, at first it felt like too much, most of the day I felt perfect, then declined in the evening and woke up with symptoms.

Now I feel the same set of symptoms I get if I lower my vitamin D dose and start taking iron supplements. This could only mean one thing, my iron/ferritin levels are still too high and taking a normal adult dose of D3 somehow affects my iron homeostasis to where it increases iron uptake, then causing the symptoms of too much iron.

I mean I only stopped my iron supplements a few days ago, so I don't expect miracles right away. I think once my iron/ferritin settle at the new baseline level, I will be able to handle more vitamin D without issue.
Have you tested b12 lately, possibly too high?
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As you may already know, I’m on the carnivore diet.

You make a good point.

Previously, as I’ve tested B12 on countless occasions, it’s usually slightly below mid range.
yeah my suggestion was based on that knowledge, i am going to get it tested myself tomorrow after a long time, my diet has been very heavy on eggs, dairy and meat.
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