thoughts on labs. recommendations on what direction to go.

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I am all ears for recommendations. I DO NOT want levels that requires an AI if possible. not a big fan of it.
that being said I have a script for hcg on the way, is that something (with y'alls experience) that is needed?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
hcg guys, I've read Multiple different options. Dr prescribes SQ, pharmacist says Dr is wrong it's to be done IM. where are you doing your hcg injection? stomach, front of leg or IM?
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ok, been closed to a month see converting to .3ml 3 times a week.
I was doing OK on the 200mg once a week, not great but better than I was off t.
now at .3ml 3 times a week and 500 iu hcg
with .125 anatrozole(was not taking it at once a week) dr also added tadalafil when I went to 3 times a week. (20 mg)
I'm feeling about the same as once a week and sexually about the same. the tadalafil is not as strong as it was at the first couple weeks, not much of a reation now. and I seem to be weaker at the gym. go through spurts of wanting to pop every joint and stretch Multiple times a day especially at night. and past couple days headaches, I don't get headaches. took a bc powder today. also meds are something I never take. with lastly some fatigue. hit a brick wall about 7-8pm and struggle to wake up
i have no acne, no bloating, i have gained about 10lbs past few months.
also had a disturbing incident return, (a little graphic) but a mucus like discharge after going to restroom come from penile.
I still have a couple months before my next labs but seeing changes that didn't happen at the once a week 200mg dose really don't want to ignore it. I'm thinking maybe stop the ai?
or hearing from you all that have much more knowledge than myself?
to add I was improving greatly, sense morning or random erections are gone. still works but not the same. possible e2 to high/to low. to much t at 180mg per weak in 3 doses? or just a guessing game without labs.
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been closed to a month see converting to .3ml 3 times a week.
You still haven’t reached a steady state yet, hard to judge protocols this early. Steady state in one thing, adjusting to hormones is quite another.

When I was on injections, at exactly 6 weeks a light switch turned on and things started happening.
You still haven’t reached a steady state yet, hard to judge protocols this early. Steady state in one thing, adjusting to hormones is quite another.

When I was on injections, at exactly 6 weeks a light switch turned on and things started happening.
when you where on injections, just curious, did you stop altogether or change to a different delivery type?
I'm sit to stay patient, overall things have improved. still a little concerned with the discharge. and didn't mention it in previous post. but i am dealing with some urination problems aslo. hesitation, frequent trips, and some start stop.

edit: been doing some research on tadalafil, read some articles that claim tadalafil decreases e2. anyone have any knowledge ok this?
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when you where on injections, just curious, did you stop altogether or change to a different delivery type?
I was on injections for years without much success, I can’t tolerate the cypionate and enanthate esters without sides.

Not so with Jatenzo, a new oral gel capsule, half-life (6 hours) being the thing that separates it from injections. Jatenzo 7 days to a steady state! Adjustments are done every 7 days until you reach desired levels.

Jatenzo starts working after your first dose!

I was on injections for years without much success, I can’t tolerate the cypionate and enanthate esters without sides.

Not so with Jatenzo, a new oral gel capsule, half-life (6 hours) being the thing that separates it from injections. Jatenzo 7 days to a steady state! Adjustments are done every 7 days until you reach desired levels.

Jatenzo starts working after your first dose!

I'll have to research into this if injections continues to give me issues. just checked defy pharmacy, they don't show it available.
I was on t before for 5-6 years. the problems I'm speaking of now began than and got worse. started getting ingrown hairs back of my head, was told it was high e2 and put on anatrozole. from the time I started anatrozole on things got weird , bowel changes and things i speak of with other symptoms and got worse overtime. doctors where persistent my e2 needed to be at lower end of range. I finally quit but after about a year off it things got bad, couldn't sleep, back, legs etc. hurt like he'll. PE got bad so I have went back to it in hopes of getting it right this time. sense being back on it the pain is gone, memory has improved and other symptoms. they've diagnosed me with ptsd, arthritis, thought I had gonorrhea or chlamydia to extent of medication for it but test came back negative. everything doctors thought was the problem has been wrong.

being back on it, I am on a low dose of ai but going to defy this time, and talking/reading here. some of the symptoms from round 1 are returning, doctors had my e2 at one point sitting at a 9. the tadalafil is new. if it's true about the e2 and my assumptions are correct from previous attempt with the low e2. my e2 is dropping again with 20mg tadalafil, and the ai.
my e2 was an 18 with a total t of 220ish when I stopped for a year. total estrogen, if it matters was a 197.
and now, it's midnight my time. I was fatigued all day, wide awake now.
Your narrative is confusing to follow.

What is your current protocol, now, today, this week? Please use mg and iu, not ml. What esters?

How long have you been on it?

20mg tadalafil how often?

When were your last labs? What were Total T, Free T. E2, SHBG, and what testing methodologies?

Have you consulted with Defy or not?
Your narrative is confusing to follow.

What is your current protocol, now, today, this week? Please use mg and iu, not ml. What esters?

How long have you been on it?

20mg tadalafil how often?

When were your last labs? What were Total T, Free T. E2, SHBG, and what testing methodologies?

Have you consulted with Defy or not?
yes, I am with defy now.

before starting back up, my Total t was a 280, free was 49, shbg sitting at 18, done by defy. have not had a lab sense starting.

my current protocol is 60mg t cyp, 500iu pregnyl, .125 anatrozole m, w, f. and been taking the tadalafil everynight evening.
been on this protocol sense beginning of March. moved to it when I started with defy
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yes, I am with defy now.

before starting back up, my Total t was a 280, free was 49, shbg sitting at 18, done by defy. have not had a lab sense starting.

my current protocol is 60mg t cyp, 500iu pregnyl, .125 anatrozole m, w, f. and been taking the tadalafil everynight evening.
been on this protocol sense beginning of March.

Take with a grain of salt, we are all different: Why do you and your doctor think such large amounts are needed? I think your problems are due to too much of everything.

For example, you stated you'd prefer to not need anastrozole... 180mg of testosterone a week will not drop your E2. Lower your dose, and E2 will also lower.

YMMV, but in your circumstances, I would take half that amount of testosterone, reduce HCG to 2x/week, drop the AI, and lower tadalafil to 5mg. My current protocol which works great for me, is actually less than that on all counts except tadalafil at 5mg. No libido problem or ED.

Again, could be totally wrong for you, but we see SO MANY problematic cases like yours on that kind of high dosing.
Take with a grain of salt, we are all different: Why do you and your doctor think such large amounts are needed? I think your problems are due to too much of everything.

For example, you stated you'd prefer to not need anastrozole... 180mg of testosterone a week will not drop your E2. Lower your dose, and E2 will also lower.

YMMV, but in your circumstances, I would take half that amount of testosterone, reduce HCG to 2x/week, drop the AI, and lower tadalafil to 5mg. My current protocol which works great for me, is actually less than that on all counts except tadalafil at 5mg. No libido problem or ED.

Again, could be totally wrong for you, but we see SO MANY problematic cases like yours on that kind of high dosing.
I actually do agree but figured I'd stick to defy plan at the 60mg 3 times and the hcg 3 times a week and go from there. going to go another month and get labs. just wanted some opinions from you all on here with much more experience than myself.

and yes, I don't like the anatrozole, giving it another chance at defys protocol.
I would like a protocol (if possible) to eliminate that.

I feel great today, no pain, no lingering fatigue. everything hanging good, woke up with morning issues. gym strength is good. I'm about 36 hours post injections and took a tadalafil last night about 7pm.

yesterday was rough, struggled to get moving. felt lazy, sleepy, shriveled up. headache all day, just felt like shit. last night about 10ish I came out of it and felt good sense
alright, doing to .33ml 3 times a week with 500hcg 3 times a week. did a lab a couple months ago, stopped taking ai about a month before labs.
at time of lab total t was 997, free was top of range and e2 was sitting at 26.
just ordered another lab, experiencing symptoms. fatigue, joint pain, especially legs. muscle feel like I had an heavy squat day for the for the first time, tender feeling and to touch. toes hurt, calf muscles and surrounding muscle. whole body aches, especially legs.
when squatting down my knees feel like they're about to break.
overall really feel not bad, sexual function is good.

just looking for thoughts.
have a e2, total and free with cbc lab I'll be doing next day or two.
experiencing symptoms. fatigue, joint pain, especially legs. muscle feel like I had an heavy squat day for the for the first time, tender feeling and to touch. toes hurt, calf muscles and surrounding muscle. whole body aches, especially legs.
This might be the beginning of restless legs syndrome, common in those with low iron stores.

Check ferritin levels!

HCG can cause fluid build up in the body.
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